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My lip gloss is lip gloss is cool!!!!

About Me


Myspace Layouts by - Build a SlideshowWhat can i say about me...hmm...i'm filipino with a little mixture of spanish and chinese....i was born on February 20, 1984..yes i'm turning 23..doesn't even feel like i'm 23 still feel like i'm 21...haha... i'm an easy going.loveable, sweet and caring, and funny person....i go crazy if you give me chocolate..well sumtimes...ask my loco girls ("right kristine and christine?")i don't know what to say about myself...i guess you just have to ask.
***100 Nosey Questions*** by longtallsally28
The Basics
Name: Noelle
Age: 23
Month of birth: February
Any Siblings?: Yes
Parents still married?: Yes
Occupation: dental receptionist/sales associate
Do you like your job?: sometimes/yes
Any pets?: yes
Hair color: naturally black..currently blonde
Eye color: dark brown
Shoe size: 7.5 to 8
Any Tattoos?: yes
Any Piercings?: yes
Current mood: happy..i think
Current wardobe choice: green plaid boxers..turqoise "scarface" tank top!! not matching i know!
What are you listening to?: the movie underworld
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: my sweetheart..jeff
What do you currently smell like?: chinese food!!
Movie you watched: blades of glory (it's hilarious!!)
Magazine you looked at: um..i dont remember
Thing you ate: honey walnut shrimp and mangolian beef
Book you read: i havent read one in a long while
T.v. show you watched: spongebob square pants
Time you cried: um 2 days ago
Took a shower: um yesturday..i think
Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): i dont remember
Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): an hour ago
CD you bought: i dont remember
What is/was....
The best thing to happen to you today?: i made over my niece and did a great job at it!!
Your most prized possession: dont have one..
Your first vehicle: 86 mitsubishi mirage
Your current vehicle: 2003 toyota highlander and nissan 350z
Your favorite quote: none
You bedtime (on average): 3 am
Your best trait/characteristic: i'm really thoughtful
Your worst trait/characteristic: i dont know how to say no
Do You....
Store things under your bed: yes
Daydream: yes.alot
Have a computer at home: yes
Live in the city, suburbs or country: um..i live on an island
Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home: home
Own a cell phone: yes
Have a good luck charm: nope
Collect anything: shoes
Attend high school or college: none
Make good grades: n/a
Have You Ever....
Had a surgery?: nope
Had teeth pulled?: yup..long time ago
Broke the law intentionally: nope
Ran away from home?: nope
Broke a bone?: nope
Cheated on a test/exam: umm..kinda sorta
Had a friend pass away: no not really
Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: nope ^_^
Been in an auto accident: nope..thank god!
Lied to someone: yes
Been lied to: yes..alot
Your Favorite....
Place to be: home
Place to visit: beach..but when it's shady
Place to chill: home
Non-Alcoholic drink: cran-orange
Alcoholic drink: strawberry gar/ hypnotiq breeze
Type of food: what ever's oishi
Meal/Food dish: mongo
Dessert: cheesecake
Shampoo & Conditioner: whichever makes my hair soft
Toothpaste: colgate??
Salad dressing: ceaser/vinegarette
Ice cream: anything with caramel
Fast food establishment: none
Color: red,black, white
Season: winter..but we dont have that here in guam
Holiday: christmas
Perfume/Cologne: dulce and gobanna; light blue
Video Game: any racing game or shooting game
T.V. show: spongebob square and order svu
Smells: fresh
Article of clothing: shoes
Book: none
Children's Book: none
Candy: coconutty
Car: infiniti g35
Do You Believe....
In Karma: sometimes
In God: yes
In Heaven & Hell: i think so
That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): i dont know
That ghosts exist: yes... think
In horoscopes: not really
In others you know (family, friends, co-workers etc): sometimes
In yourself: i try to
Your Opinion....
On the death penalty: depends
On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: no opinion
On homosexuals in the military: ok
The war in the Middle East: i hate it
Schwarzeneggar...Governor or Terminator: terminator
Current gas/fuel prices: sucks ass
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What Attracts Guys To You?
Your Sweet Personality
Guys love you for your sweet personality. They love being around you because you are so sweet.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from TestrifficAWWWW SOOO SWEET!!!hehehe

My Interests


What Song Represents Your Personality?

Party Like a Rockstar
you love to party and have fun! you can't get enough excitement!
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
How Dirty Minded Are You?

Virgin Minded =0
Sweet Innocence Is Bliss =)
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testrifficis that test true...cause i dont think i'm virgin minded!
How do guys see u??

the soulmate
You are attractive and fun to be around. Men flock too you simply because of your grace and all around ability to make people laugh. Men could see themselves spending the rest of their life with you. You are the perfect soulmate now doesn't that make you feel good?
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testrifficyes that ^ makes me feel ggod =P


There's so much...anything horror..gotta love the horror..also anything that's make you laugh your head off!! but you also gotta like the one's that make you cry and dream..hehe soo corny huh? but yeah love movies.Redently watched movies:
-----awww..this movie was soo sad i have to admit that i actually teared
Pirates of the caribean:dead mans chest
-----funny, but you gotta watch th first one in order to understand it..
Superman Returns
-----i thought i wouldnt like this but it was actually a really good movie
The descent
-----scary..yes..but not too scary..oh by the way one of the girls in the movies is hot!
Miami Vice
----i heard this movie sucked, but it was alright..i liked it
-----i got scured like a chicken..hehe makes you kinda scared to use the computer or your cell phone..youjust have to watch it
Talladega Nights
-----this movie is 2 hours of laughter
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i think i watch too much t.v. sometimes... but to get me up in the morning you gotta put spongebob on. that yellow sponge is soo darn stupid but he's funny.
i gotta mention the law and order..everybody loves law and order..once you put that on there's no taking me off that.
i just recently got into the whole making the band..i guess cause i love to sing..but the disney channel is also one of my top picks along with the wedding shows you know what i'm talkin bout "platinum wedding" "bridezilla".
The cooking channel too.. ^_^

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you know what i havent really had any time to read books besides my pharmacy technician book but the darwin awards are awsome....if you havent read it yet i recommend you'll laugh like crazy Pimp My Profile


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To one of the most important people in my life..MOM, who always stood by me and supported me through everything. Taught me that i can do it if i wanted to . Never judged me..and just always loved me...i dont know what i'd do without you.
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