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Jesus Christ is the Destiny Changer

About Me

My name is Cindy Thompson and knowing the pain of heroin addiction as well as self degradation caused me to create this myspace as an informational place of hope. I have realized that addictions and sexual deprivations are just the outward manifestation of the inner turmoil that exists inside a human soul victimized by predatory behavior. My prayer is that you will find answers, peace, solutions as well as understanding that you are not alone.

Starting at the age of 10 months old a series of molestations, sexual abuses and rapes would wallpaper my life up to 26 years of age. The buried sexual abuse that my mind would forget but my emotions felt daily would drive me as a victim. Depression, emotional highs and lows along with low self esteem would drive my actions to self destruct, what made things worse was I couldn’t remember the abuses from 10 months to about age 10, this created another set of issues. Due to my acting out I was called rebellious, incorrigible, minus to society and slut. These names would form shame, labels and negativity that would nearly destroy who I really was and am; sweet, caring, merciful, giving, encouraging, resourceful and talented.

This is the hope, “The Destiny Changer” Jesus Christ paid the price with His life so I could shed the shame and labels that were determining my destiny which would ultimately destroy me, to a destiny of hope, deliverance and life; The scripture says “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death , blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live." De 30:19 but before a choice of life could be made I needed to understand that there was hope. As I realized that I wasn’t alone and there was a reason, I could take the change of destiny being offered. I could leave the victim and become a victor; the hope is so can you!


In 1993 there were a reported 60 million survivors of sexual abuse [molestation, rape, incest, fondling, etc.] In 14 years I’m sure these numbers have more than tripled.

In 1991 there were a reported 31% of all women in prison who had suffered abuse [battery, assault, emotional, molestation, rape, incest, fondling, etc.] In 16 years I’m sure these percentages are closer to 80 to 90%.

In 1992 there were a reported 95% of all women and male prostitutes who had suffered sexual abuse [molestation, rape, incest, fondling, etc.] In 15 years I’m sure these percentages are closer to 100%.

In 2002 every 1 minute in America someone {Male, Female, Child, and Adult} is sexually assaulted in some way. 1 in 3 is female and 1 in 6 is male. Due to our society and the climbing statistics yearly it is sure that these numbers have risen dramatically over 5 years.

The goal:

As you can see from the age of these statistics our law makers don’t take this problem seriously. The porn industry is directly linked to my sexual abuse incidents as far back as 10 months. Arousing the animalistic sexual instincts causes a depravity that has repercussions that ripple as a rock dropped in the middle of a still body of water, innocent and untouched until the rock strikes the water which causes a never ending wave until something stops it. The waves from the center to the end just get bigger the farther it swells out, as you can see with this analogy every generation of predator and victim the problem become worse and more violent.

I’m making it my business to protect the innocent through a change of mindset, information and values. The innocence of our children must be protected at all cost; victims must know they have hope, the industries that promote products and ideals which create environments where predators are engineered and governments that protect them must know that this is no longer acceptable in our society. As one voice shouting in the wilderness make your voice heard!!!!!!!


If you are a child or an adult currently being abused contact me and I will contact those who can get you help, if you are a victim of abuse, prostitute, stuck in sex industry or drug addict needing healing, deliverance and peace I can direct you to the one who can save your soul. Contact me at [email protected] .

Know that your creator has designed you with purpose and destiny; it is not to be a victim!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The abused, abuser, drug addict, drug dealer, prostitute, pimp, molested, molester, conned, con artist, redeemed and religious!
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"She Is"

When the innocence of a woman is stolen her life is lost and destroyed! Solomon 8:4

When her innocence is stolen she can't be what she was created to be by God ; the carrier of all life that is why she is referred to as the mother of all living. The goal of the enemy has been to keep her bound and stop life from coming through her. She was and is the womb for the those God would use to save the world from it's enemy. The devil has been on a mission using the sex industry, violation, abuse and the depravity of man so that she would not understand her worth. Genesis 3:20

She carries power in her hands and has a God given ability to change the world for the better because she is, but when destroyed by brokenness she can use that power to obliterate herself and anyone else in her sphere of influence. 1Kings 16, 18, 19, 21, & 2Knigs 9

She is a Queen and Warrior all at the same time and as she fights with Heaven there is nothing impossible or to hard for her to accomplish. Mark 10:27

Fighting the battles for those she loves using all the resources she has to accomplish her task which is to save those around her. Proverbs 31

She will slay the dragons of life when equipped with the proper armor; the crown of salvation, the breast plate of righteousness, the boots of the gospel of peace, the sword of the spirit and the shield of faith! Ephesians 6:10-18

When she knows that she has been set apart for something special she is driven to do all God has put in her heart! The book of Esther

As she takes on the world knowing that she will be refreshed in the "Secret Place " of her Lord and Prince's arms restores her which makes life a place of peace. She is a simple creature not needing much but to know that she is loved and special! Psalms 91:1 & The book of Song of Solomon

Women were formed in the image of God to be the feminine side of His nature but when defined by abuse, shame, labels, depravity and horror our emotions will set out to stop the pain with drugs, sex, food, the approval of men and any other destructive behavior that I haven't listed. I know first hand because this was me. As I made a choice to change my destiny, partnering with the "Destiny Changer" Jesus Christ I find myself on a mission to help educate those that don't understand, bring hope to those that are still where I was and stand in a righteous place against those that want to use victims for their financial gain, amusement and depravity.

If you find yourself broken by the events of your life and need help contact myself Cindy Thompson @ [email protected] , or Shelley Lubben @ or Sharnel Silvey . If you are pedophile, viewer of porn or make money from the industry STOP it could be your mother, sister or daughter, think about it.......................Everyone has the ability to change their destiny but it requires a choice for life.

My Blog

The New Face of the Church-Part 1

"The New Face of the Church (Bride)" Part 1           As I have come face to face with the depravity of my own life I have realized that I am and was the perso...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 07:49:00 GMT