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About Me

Taken from The Book of the Sexy "the Birth of the One" Chapter 2 book 3:18 "And lo, as the 19th day of the eighth month of our lord's year 19 hundred and 85, a child of tremendous knowledge and talent was brought forth to honor this world. Blessed art thou that stood in that place and witnessed his birth for he was indeed endowed with special abilities. Born unto Pauline and Rodel Bacod, this child shone with a light that could only be rivaled by the brightest star. Indeed the angels did sing that day! And our lord reached down from nirvana and touched this child's hands and whispered into his ears... "Thou hast been blessed! None shall rival you for indeed I have given unto you the ability to ROCK harder than any other!!! Remember, thou shalt not hold back." And with those sacred words our lord gave him a gift of great power and tremendous ability. This gift would be known as "the Gift". And lo, our lord spoke again, and with a voice as loud as the universe said...."I, who art as wise as forever have given unto this very special child the gift of the Rock and with this gift the ability to save your soul. I have done these things because I love you. And from now unto forever he shall be known as Brandon Bacod."

My Interests

Standing. Collecting Various objects.

I'd like to meet:

I'm happy to meet just about anyone.


The Fuckin' Clash.


High Fidelity, The Big Lebowski, All Miyazaki Movies


The Rum Diary, Fast Food Nation, The Old Man and the Sea, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Reefer Madness (A expose on black market dealings), A Clockwork Orange, Catch 22, Animal Farm, Cash: By Jonny Cash, trashy sci-fi's and many more.


Alicia for always hanging in there.

My Blog


Sorry to everyone who tries to read my private blogs. They're for me... Maybe someday, but not today.Feel free to leave me a comment though!
Posted by Brandon on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 02:54:00 PST


"I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God." -Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, calling for two new constitutional amendments ban...
Posted by Brandon on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 05:15:00 PST

Open Ended Letter

To People at shows....    Please don't dance on me... I promise not to dance on you... And please wear a shirt.
Posted by Brandon on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 03:14:00 PST