Ma ma sheep profile picture

Ma ma sheep

About Me

Hello, I'm Ma ma sheep. I'm one hundred years old and will be one hundred and one years in just another year. Heres some things about me.I will be coming back to earth in roughly ... a while, some time soon. I'm going to be welcoming you back into my womb. If you refuse entrance than there will be some pits of haggus. Any entry refusers will be backed off the bucking bronco of life into the menasing pits. This will hurt me more than it will hurt you.

My Interests

Womb Entrance

I'd like to meet:

Pa Pa Sheep ... he's the one responsible for this ...


Ba Ba Black Sheep Mary had a little Lamb


Babe (particulary because of the wanna be ma ma sheep in the movie)


Acgricultral channels


Three Little Sheep


I, Ma Ma Sheep