I have few must haves in my life. I like to think that for the most part I am a simple person. I need a roof over the Kids head. I need a job that I enjoy going to. I need my Cat's! And I need MUSIC! It is my one go to when things are great and when things seem to be crumbling. Through out my life I have experienced some of the greatest that there is to offer, and it actually gets better with age!!!! Not that we ever need to discuss that! But it's true. I love nothing better then hitting one of the local clubs when a DJ friend is visiting, or jumping in the car when one invites us out! Over the years I have meet some of the most fantasic and inspiring people and made great friends. I have been included into a circle that I know not many are invited to, and I am honored to be there. You guys know who you are!!!!
EVERYTHING~my go to though is true genuine breaks. Old Old school. Anything with SIRENS in it! Wish we could generate a little more of that! The only thing I will not turn on is Ghetto Rap. Don't really like the kids listening to that. I think I am very influenced by dance music for forever. But I do really enjoy some of the classic rocks. Van Halen, Ted Nugent, (got my first hickey @ his Wango Tango Concert) I knew Prince's Stuff before he was popular & changed his name. Rappers Delight, which I had on vinyl, still brings me a warm & fuzzy!
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