I Know How You Are... |
I know how you are&
You're the type that is all talk
But walks away when its time to "walk the walk"
You say what you want
But only want it your way
Phone calls and sweet notes
But on Y... Posted by Myriah on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 02:20:00 PST |
My Full Disclosure |
You know how when you buy a house it comes with a Full Disclosure? A list of things that can make or break the deal. I think all PEOPLE shoudl come with a Full Disclosure list. You know, a list o... Posted by Myriah on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 02:15:00 PST |
What I Want! :) |
What I Want
I want palm trees
I want sand and sun
I want to dress formal
I want fancy dinners
I want to wear a cocktail dress on a date!
I want the first kiss feeling all the time
I want passion... Posted by Myriah on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 01:57:00 PST |
I Am Back! And I Am Tired!! |
I am tired. I am tired of me being the one. The one to... "make it work." The one who, keeps trying. Of being the "go getter."
You know, why do I have to put so much work into things?
I am draine... Posted by Myriah on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 01:52:00 PST |
I Hate You |
Yes hate is a strong word, but when you hurt so much it is the only word you know...
I hate how you changed.
I hate that when you tried you didnt mean it.
I hate that I know the potential and the love... Posted by Myriah on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 02:16:00 PST |
Like These Lyrics- Breaking Benjamin |
BREAKING BENJAMIN LYRICS"The Diary Of Jane"If I had toI would put myself right beside youSo let me askWould you like that?Would you like that?And I don't mindIf you say this love is the last timeSo no... Posted by Myriah on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 01:13:00 PST |
Stupid Girls |
So ok, I am a bit judgemental. So when certain "types" of people come in my store (mostly girls) I will stand up and pretend to look busy and follow them around the store, subtly of course! :) A... Posted by Myriah on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 09:32:00 PST |
Every Girls Hooker |
In my store I have a pair of thigh high, red vinyl (as I call them) Hooker Boots! The heels are atleast 5 inches and I have to admit they are pretty cool! I wore them for a college play years... Posted by Myriah on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 01:07:00 PST |
For ALL the Guys, Im Sorry For... |
For the guys:
I am sorry that I will be distant from you.
I am sorry, I wont like or trust all of your friends.
I am sorry if I tell little white lies.
I am sorry that I assume you are like my ex.
I a... Posted by Myriah on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 12:47:00 PST |
Jealousy |
Hate and love exhaust the mind, inhibit clear thinking.
Would you want to be with someone who was wonderful in every way except that he was a raging alcoholic or compulsive gambler... Posted by Myriah on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 07:32:00 PST |