I'd like to meet:
« un immenso vuoto - dice qohelet - un immenso vuoto, tutto è vuoto! quale valore ha tutta la fatica che affatica l’uomo sotto il sole? mi sono consacrato alla conoscenza della sapienza considerando le affannose attività che si compiono sulla terra: gli occhi dell’uomo non hanno tregua né di giorno né di notte. ho considerato anche tutte le opere di dio: l’uomo non può scoprire il senso di tutto quanto si compie sotto il sole. si affatichi pure a cercare, nulla scoprirà . ed anche se un sapiente pretendesse di saperlo, in realtà non potrebbe scoprirlo. mi sono consacrato alla riflessione e su tutto questo ho concluso. i giusti e i sapienti con le loro opere sono nelle mani di dio. ma l’uomo non sa se dio prova per lui amore o odio. tutto ciò che l’uomo ha davanti è vuoto. unico è il destino di tutti, del giusto e del malvagio, del puro e dell’impuro, di chi offre sacrifici e di chi non li offre, dell’onesto e del peccatore, di chi giura e di chi teme di giurare. »
[ i'm nobody! who are you? are you - nobody - too? then there's a pair of us! don't tell! they'd banish us - you know! how dreary - to be - somebody! how public - like a frog - to tell your name - the livelong june - to an admiring bog! ]
( e. dickinson )
~ nobody listens ° nobody cares ° nobody fucking wants to care ° they're are all too self-absorbed and self-righteous and too convinced that they know more than they do but it doesn't matter ° nothing matter ° nobody lives in my head and nobody knows how it feels ° they all pretend when all they want to do is rape me with their ideals and rob me of my past and cure me of my decision ° nobody wears my skin and nobody cries my tears and nobody walks through the torture chamber of my dreams each night ° nobody feels my rage, my indignation, my confinement, my shame, my pride, my resignation ° nobody hears the battle that goes on my head every fucking minute °
not every girl..
..likes/needs/wants to hear she's beautiful. doesn't know how to belch. wants bigger or any breasts at all. wears make-up to "look pretty". enjoys exposing her skin or flaunting even her best features. wants to have someone's hand to hold. likes pink. is grossed out by "distasteful" conversation. sucks at video games. is too weak for push-ups or arm-wrestling. likes purses, sparkles, and jewelry. wants or likes fresh flowers as gifts. cries. likes romance or love stories. is a hardass just because she doesn't embrace femininity. wants a husband, a family, or kids in her future. likes the beach. wants to be loved. enjoys chilvalry. thinks that thin is beautiful. likes chocolate. is a strong leader just because she doesn't always follow. likes to wear shorts or show her legs. is a tomboy because she doesn't like dresses and skirts. wants others to show or give her love. is a lesbian just because she's not dating or interested in guys. enjoys baths, massages, spas, manicures, facials or lotions with good-smelling perfumes and lip glosses. is computer illiterate. has dreamt of or planned her wedding day. shaves her legs regularly. dreamt of being a princess or played dress-up as a child. is rock solid inside just because she can't cry. wants one to pay for her at dinner or a movie. who colors her hair does it out of superficiality. enjoys receiving little gifts or sweet nothings. dreams of being famous. is good with or likes children. likes disney movies. likes to hear the words "i love you." enjoys giving or receiving hugs. wants to be treated like a goddess. wants to be touched or nurtured by someone's hands or heart. is a hopeless romantic on the inside. can't hold her own in a battle of words, wits, or wrestle. can't swear like a sailor. likes to be primped or pampered. doesn't know anything about cars, sports or electronics. enjoys talking, or is self-centered or self-important. wants attention or enjoys the spotlight. thinks bathroom talk is gross. can't still be graceful and gracious just because she's rough around the edges. sucks at driving. lacks common sense, book smarts, or street smarts. has tiny hands and feet, or a small voice. dances in her underwear or in the shower. likes to be naked. cares if other people like her or not. deserves the friends that she has.
essere governato significa essere
guardato a vista, ispezionato, spiato, diretto, legiferato, regolamentato,
incasellato, indottrinato, catechizzato, controllato, stimato, valutato,
censurato, comandato,
da parte di esseri che non hanno né titolo, né la scienza, né la virtù.
essere governato vuol dire essere, ad ogni azione, ad ogni transazione, ad ogni
quotato, riformato, raddrizzato, corretto.
vuol dire essere tassato, addestrato, taglieggiato, sfruttato, monopolizzato,
concusso, spremuto, mistificato, derubato,
e alla minima resistenza, alla prima parola di lamento,
represso, emendato, vilipeso, vessato, cacciato, deriso, accoppato, disarmato,
ammanettato, imprigionato, fucilato, mitragliato, giudicato, condannato,
deportato, sacrificato, venduto, tradito, e per giunta schernito, dileggiato,
ingiuriato, disonorato,
tutto con il pretesto della pubblica utilità e in nome dell’interesse generale.
ecco il governo, ecco la giustizia, ecco la sua morale.
:: pierre-joseph proudhon