loudspeaker speaker meets clearly human profile picture

loudspeaker speaker meets clearly human

About Me

Bee Bog (HD) from bryab on Vimeo
Produced in an orange living room located somewhere within one of countless rotting 70's track homes that bank a long stretch of pawn shops, used car lots, gas stations, dollar stores and fast food restaurants. The recording sessions often took place on days which shared no relation with the cycles of the sun. Inspired by the likes of Masaru Sato, Fela Kuti, Osbourne Ruddock the King Tubby and one of the Dark Prince's treasured, Jack Dejohnette, the rocksteady trash-step glitch hop cinema static dub of Loudspeaker Speaker meets Clearly Human is intended for those reading personal ads, use in tape loop projects, an accompaniment for the sound of traffic heard from one's window as well as midnight walks to the corner store for Sparks, ice cream, a samurai sword, a zodiac key chain or lighter fluid. Spring reverb tape echo cloud animals as seen by tube organs, tambourines, drum kits and guitars.
-usually speechless -sometimes in Japanese
*to buy please visit www.brokentwilight.com

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Member Since: 23/09/2007
Band Website: www.loudspeakerspeaker.brokentwilight.com
Band Members: jason falk as clearly human (drums)
chad imes as loudspeaker speaker (all other sounds)
Record Label: brokentwilight
Type of Label: Indie

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