Email: dartagnon DOT reid AT gmail DOT com
AIM handle: George Spaze
MSN handle: hyperchessfiend
It would take 22 shots of Tequila to kill me
Right now its chess, we'll see in a few weeks.
Brivolnb7q aka Branamonnnmandar!
Not country
Not sappy and not boring.
Comedy Central or Discovery is about all I watch.
Books are okay.
Heroes are important. The Heroes section stays. misspellings and all.As a kid I only had a few heros. The first, was Underdog. Now I see him as the crack-head he is...not heroic, really.
The second, was Sonic the Hedgehog. He's still a hero of mine--he taught me to be fast, and how to saumersault. Also - I used to like chile dogs.