Crapping My Pants, Music, Shows, Friends.
JESUS and the donkey he rode in on
Hardcore, Punk, Experimental, Posi, Youth Crew, Gangsta Rap, Metalcore, Bad 80's, 90's Pop, New Wave, Tough Guy, Power, Foot Up On The Monitor Metal!
Dumb & Dumber, BORAT, SLC Punk, The Original Texas Chainsaw Massacre!, Boondock Saints, Halloween, Accepted, Slackers, Clerks, Mallrats, The Big Lebowski, A Christmas Story, Falling Down, Big Trouble In Little China, Monty Python & The Holy Grail, Bad Santa, Super Troopers, Club Dread, Angus, Any Chris Farley Movie, Any Troma Movie, Aqua Teen Seasons, Sealab Seasons, Porn?, Any Bumfights DVD's and Almost any good horror movie.
Forensic Files, CSI, Law & Order, Aqua Teen, Sealab 2021, Harvey Birdman, Chappelle's Show, MXC, Wonder Showzen, Porn?
Chris Farley, Mr. Rogers, Pee Wee Herman, Andrew W.K. and My Mom