Hi, Im Steve
Currently I am 18 years old, I'm laidback, smart, funny, outgoing, spontaneous, and a blunt person i most always tell you what's on my mind. I can be a very random person at times, and have moments where I am an asshole but i try not to be...
Some things I enjoy
I love Downhill/Freeride MountainBiking, Skateboarding, Snowboarding, Filmmaking, Shopping, Traveling i really want to travel all over Europe at some point, Partying with friends, and long walks under the stars and moon with the right girl...
Things I Like in a Girl
Attracive/Cute, has a plan/goal in life, outgoing, good humored, knows how to have a good time, self-confident, has a great personality and outlook on life, easy to talk to, lately I've been a sucker for beautiful eyes and brunettes or girls with dyed hair.