It's amazing how life gets you to where you are... Who would have known I would be living the life that I am now.
...I am loving EVERY second of it.
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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
My interests are basically EVERYTHING.
Some say they don't have any close friends or friends they can actually confide in with those "tell nobody this" kind of stuff. Well for me I can truly, honestly say that I have those kinds of friends. Whether it's to just sit on the couch and watch dvd's all day, or to go to the mall to tell me how your life's been going.. or just to give you a BIG hug when you need one. I am blessed to say that I have the bestest of friends. It's quality not quantity.
Happiness you find in yourself, is found in your friends...
Those who have the time to go to and help world hunger! Knowing your vocabulary may give a child enough food.. now that's what I call making a difference!
BEH says I'm "gangsta gangsta" when it comes to music. But I love all kinds of music.. even some country :)
I love watching movies with my H0NEYB00b00. :)
Yes, Dear
One Tree Hill :)
America's Next Top Model
My Wife & Kids
♥ Disney Channel
Cartoon Network
I love ALL kinds of books.. From romance to action to science fiction to drama to mystery.. I finish the last book of the Harry Potter series in 2 days :) I loved it that much! I'm a book worm, I love to read on my spare time, even if I'm just reading Yahoo!News! LOL.
My Mommy and Daddy
My Family