Also a Train-head, which means sometimes you can find me trackside somewhere photographing & taking videos of trains. The photo that is the background is a photo of mine from last year that got published in Railpace Magazine. I also run a small DVD company that produces railroad DVDs. When I mean small I mean, JUST ME! Here are some of the DVD's that I have produced up to date..Housatonic Railroad In & Around Canaan, CT, The Riverline 2006 Coxsackie, NY to Kingston, NY, Chasing Guilford, Train Action on the Boston & Albany Chatham, NY to Stateline, Pennsylvania Train Chase 2006 Frieght Action on the Boston & Albany ( Chatham, NY to the Stateline) 2007 Freight Action on the Riverline ( Kingston, NY and Spots North)These DVD's run from about half hour to 45 minutesnew DVD titles on the way...
Fast Trains & Slow Women!! hahaha Cool Railfans, Cool Women People that appreciate Metal & good music, that dont mock you
Here is the band that got it all started for me... and they are still kicking... just like me...
Kiss- a history of kiss
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><><><><><><>Lately for me, music has been back in my life BIG TIME... seems as I am getting older, my tastes are still getting older... The rock music scene lately in the US seems to be watered down, no talent, lookalike, corporate kind of crap! ( whoops did I get on a soapbox there!) I need something that grabs me musically & visually. Something that has some edge & talent... so here are some videos of stuff that I am into, some of it is from Europe, some unknown from the US, of course the old metal bands can still kick it and younger bands can't hold a candle to them...and all I think is great music...<><><><><><><
Dimmu Borgir - The Serpentine Offering
1st Annual Softball Game at Berkshire School 2nd Annual Faculty/Staff Softball Game at Berkshire SchoolBlazing Saddles, Kelly's Heroes, Hot Fuzz, Bubba Hot Tep, any John Wayne Western
Family GUY RULES!!!! that show has saved me and kept me from losing it over the past few months!!!Here is where I got some of humor.. Don RIckles Rules!!!Johnny Carson Confronts Don Rickles
..Don Rickles and David Letterman
Anything by Stephen Ambrose or CLive Cussler Zim About Face by David Hackworth Playin with Trains by Sam Posey ( signed it for me)
My Dad