all sorts of things if i were rich i'd be eccentric.......... but since i am not rich yet i'm just crazy
These kidsim not looking for friends im looking for accomplicesAIM.... imlacysdad
most people think i dont like music i beg to differ
the burbs, falling down, boondock saints, godfather, fear and loathing, snatch, fight club, death to smoochy, the gate, critters 1 and 2, indiana jones, megaforce, arthur, clue, beetlejuicce, golden child, mad max, explorers, ...many many more
most anything on the history channel or the nationial geographic channel and for some reason I'm drawn to things about either Jesus the apocolypse or Nostradames. Home Movies, Family Guy, Futuramma, FLCL, King of the Hill, The Simpson's,
something under the bed is drooling, how to be your own undertaker, garfield in paradise, far side gallery 2, tao of pooh, the art of war
Pepper Tiltonburrow the 3rd