About Me: I play paintball professionally and love every second of it. Currently I travel the world with my friends and play in the NPPL, PSP, Millennium, and Centurio series. I have also been known as Tako, Eagle, Moto, and Paws but all work. It just depends on how and when you met me. I will be posting updates in my blog section for 2008 and be using myspace now instead of my site, www.eaglepb.com . So check back often for updates and I would like to thank you all for supporting me!
Who I want to meet: People in San Diego, paintballers from everywhere, spontaneous people, a nice girl(hard to come by now days!), people I can learn from, people from every different country, intelligent people, passionate people, people who like to have fun, and nice people!
Major Pro Accomplishments: ( 2004 Avalanche ) - 3rd PSP Pomona, 2nd NPPL Huntington Beach, 2nd Millennium Germany, 4th PSP Orlando, 1st PSP Chicago, 4th NPPL Denver, 4th World Cup Xball. ( 2005 Avalanche ) - 2nd PSP Pomona, 3rd Huntington Beach NPPL, 3rd Orlando PSP, 4th PSP Chicago, 3rd NPPL Denver, 1st Millennium Spain. ( 2006 XSV ) - 4th PSP Austin, 1st Huntington Beach NPPL, 1st NPPL Tampa, 1st PSP Chicago ( 2007 Infamous ) - 4th Millennium Belgium, 2nd NPPL Boston.
XPLAINED the Xball Training DVD
Check out the new Xball Training DVD by DERDER Productions coming out in October 2007. Starring Rusty Glaze, Gator Glaze, Glenn Takemoto, Davey Williamson and Todd Martinez.
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