EVERYONE! I want to meet the strength to dance "Dambala"...without emotion. I want to meet the abused children, those neglected,and left to fend for themselves. I want to meet the "Powers that be"...Screwing up in everyway imaginable. I want to meet The Red Sea,the Black Sea and the Dead Sea. And I will meet the Nile River before I leave this side of....life? I want to meet those of you that are "REALLY AWAKE" What color "pill" did you take? I want to meet everything and everyone below this script..AND YOU!!
By yaniimage
By yaniimageThe "New World Order" Is A Holographic IllusionIt's "The Matrix". It's designed to control your mind. It's designed to keep you from tapping into light transmission of the higher realms that are attempting to get you to REMEMBER why you are here.There are many higher beings on and about the planet at this time, one of which is Earth herself, attempting to help you remember why you're here. But they will not wake you up. That is a decision that you alone must make.But they have come to help you remember. but the transmissions of the many holographic images with which many of us have become so allured is preventing us from hearing the wake-up call.Turn off the T V. Put down the newspaper. Tap into your higher self.Begin the process in the following ways:1) Acknowledge the hologram, that it is not real.2) Acknowledge the sense within you that you are here for a higher purpose.3) Ask yourself, "Who Am I?"4) Begin to trust your intuition. By trust, I mean begin to use your intuition in the same way you have used the other senses, but acknowledge and move toward trusting the intuition above the other senses.5) Expect information along the lines of your new paradigm. At first it will be difficult to trust the information the you "feel" because you have been so used to the holographic image. It's not just a transmission that fools the senses. This holographic transmission also changes the way you think... creates and reinforces synaptic patterns that are incompatible with the light information being transmitted to earth at this time.6) Start acknowledging the synchronicities that occur as your paradigm begins to change. These are the bread crumbs that are leading you back to your higher purpose.7) Have lots of sex, and be comfortable with your sexuality.8) Take specific steps to increase your vibrational level. As I have said before, crystals are one of my favorite methods because the energy transfer that raises your vibration is effortless.9) Become in tuned with the earth as a person and not just a planet. (very important) Love her and acknowledge that we and the earth - on some level - are a single organism.10) Understand that we are about to evolve as a species and as a planet and there are many interests who would not have that happen. But they are powerless to stop it if we can but wake from our dream.11) Realize that waking up is simpler than you think. The wake-up part is not something that happens after we ascend. It is a pre-cursor to ascension whose primary component is the goal to be able to receive information directly through our own light bodies as opposed to channeling, literature, videos, etc.12) Realize that time is short. The ridiculous things we see happening on this planet are indicators of it. If too few of us take the personal responsibility of waking up, and prefer to believe the hologram the human race could become extinct. I, personally, do not see this happening because many of us are waking up. But please be aware that the possibility exists. Nothing is set in stone.Remember:DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT YOUR SENSES ARE TELLING YOU ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON HERE ON EARTH. It is an illusion, once again, designed to keep you occupied so that other beings can feed off of your energy. They are using our own creative powers to enslave us. This pattern must be broken, and we must each willingly and individually break them. IT'S UP TO US.
We must take that personal responsibility....