Things I like:
Being awesome. Fashion. Reading. Writing. Genealogy. Being rowdy. Motorcycles. Playing the Piano. Maps. Bruises. Buttered egg noodles. Traveling. Coffee. Tea. School. Music. GOOD beer. The ZZ-top phrase "Uh Huh-Huh-Huh" Swimming. Driving. Red wine. Sunny days. Hot days. Road trips. Walking aimlessly. Chicago. Rainy days. Guns. History. Board Games. Swings. Old cemeteries. Gothic architecture. The word "filthy." Old churches. Snowmobiling. Harmonicas. Laughing. Children.
This car is the key to my heart.
Things I don't like:
Not being awesome. ET. The sounds of tape being ripped off of cardboard and envelopes being ripped open. Touching newsprint paper. Fake fur. Tonic water. Redbull. When people spell with "z" instead of "s" Painting my nails. Guatemalan Rum. My door bell. Smelly armpits. Taking a shower (but I do anyways). Air conditioning. Indian food. Creepy dudes. When people pick me up (I'm not a fucking doll) Big dogs. The scar on my back. Cold feet. Messiness. Shitty beer. Cooking.
People who appreciate all forms of music and don't limit themselves to one particular genre.
Someone with something else to talk about other than the latest Hollywood Ho-bag drama.
Inventive and unique people.
I've got a weakness for good southern rock.
But lately, this is what I have been listening to:
This is the only thing that matters this summer.
UNICEF bombed my family. That's not cool.
Its not a book, but I spend a lot of time reading Wikipedia. I'm not joking.
My skull. Some how it has managed to get through 25 years without a single fracture.