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Last Name=Apocalypse

About Me

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Well, to start off, I'm Amanda. I'm fourteen. I live in Massachusetts. I'm a freshman. School is fun, but my grades have dropped this last term. I got out of swimming and moved to an upperclassman gym class. I have a HUGE fear of water. I have a horse. He's sexier than you will ever be. I'm single and hate it. I need someone to love and love me back. I'll probably never get a boyfriend because I'm downright hideous and you don't need to tell me. My friends are amazing. My bestest friends are Lily, Lili, Larissa and Maddie. I love them with a passion. I'm on the computer a lot, usually doing a lot of different things. Hahah I hate myself. I seriously have no life, really, I don't. Ask any of my friends and they'll all tell you the same thing. Lmfao. I love Boston and Massachusetts, but i belong in Oregon. My nana and uncle live there. We go there usually once a year. My uncle is awesome, he has an 8-pack (sp?). Haha it's great. I also go to Chicago a lot, because my aunt and cousin Annie live there. She's eight. She's okay sometimes, but most of the time she's a pain in the ass. Haha I love her though. My classes are okay, and my two favorites are History and Math. In History we get off topic most of the time and don't accomplish anything. In Math, Mr. Kalagher is dyslexic and can't teach a class if his life depended on it. I'm addicted to music and go to shows constantly. A couple of my teachers are hot. Shh don't tell them. I have a cat and a dog. Cat=Mittens , dog=Loki . Mittens is a tortise shell. Loki is a basset/golden retriever cross. I don't know where I'd be without Loki. I'm wicked shy, but I also love to meet new people. Comment me, but sometimes i don't comment back to everyone. Hint hint: talk to me

My Interests

Marry me?

I'd like to meet:

Hit The Lights. Again. They are probably THE best band that has ever lived. I heard about them through a friend's Myspace, and since then, I've been hooked. I saw them for the first time on June 23rd, 2006. I thought they were pretty good live. They were with Halifax and Hawthorne Heights. I talked to Colin for a few minutes, saying that they were amazing and that I wanted to see them again. He asked me what my name was, and shook my hand. I went off to meet HH, and saw him again later. We said goodnight, and from that moment on, they were my favortite band.
The second time I saw them was two months later in August, on the 11th. They were with CIWWAF, Paramore, and This Providence. They got there a bit after I did, and I talked to Colin about a fundraiser my mom was planning. That was also the day I met Kayla. Hahah Ily girllll After that, I saw them with New Found Glory on November 15th. I had made Colin a bracelet, as an apology. A friend of theirs gave me his number, and my friend thought it would be funny to call him over and over again. Anyways, he came over and I gave it to him, plus a couple of odd picutres that I had taken back in August. If you want to see them, tell me. We talked for a while, and then he went inside. The set was insane, as usual, and I left, as usual. I got a picture with Colin, Dave and Omar, and got Omar's pick. A girl I had met wanted to trade belts with Omar, and that was pretty fucking interesting. Colin did my voicemail, and I still have it. So if you want to hear it, tell me and I'll give you my number. Got a hugs from Colin and Omar, and then I had to go. :[. The most recent show was March 14th at the ICC. It was so hot in there, and by the end I was drenched. Some guy kept crowdsurfing, and he wasn't very small either. After, I talked to Colin, and he was going to redo my voicemail, but he ended up running off and I had to go. On the way home I called to leave a message saying g'night and that the show was awesome, but he answered. Fun little midnight conversation. Haha


Hit The Lights
Fall Out Boy
Ryan Cabrera
Teddy Geiger

Rookie Of The Year
Cute Is What We Aim For
Envy On The Coast
Making April
Madina Lake
The Medic Droid
The Devil Wears Prada
The High Court
Voodoo Blue
Boys Like Girls

2-20-05 Ryan Cabrera
4-17-05 Ryan Cabrera
7-16-05 The Click Five, DHT, Frankie J
8-16-05 The Click Five
8-27-05 Jesse McCartney, The Veronicas
9-3-05 Green Day, Jimmy Eat World
10-8-05 Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco
11-14-05 Ryan Cabrera, The Veronicas
12-13-05 Jingleball (Fall Out Boy)
3-5-06 Teddy Geiger
3-17-06 Fall Out Boy
3-26-06 Teddy Geiger x2
5-20-06 Kiss Concert
6-23-06 Hit The Lights, Halifax, Anberlin, Hawthorne Heights
7-12-06 Ryan Cabrera
8-2-06 Warped
8-11-06 Hit The Lights, Cute Is What We Aim For
8-26-06 Acton Kiss Concert
9-8-06 Teddy Geiger
10-28-06 30 Seconds To Mars
11-3-06 CIWWAF, Hellogoodbye
11-15-05 Hit The Lights, Cartel
11-17-06 Heartsfield Landing
11-18-06 Panic! At The Disco
12-2-06 Brunswick
12-2-06 LCR
12-14-06 Jingleball
12-22-06 Brunswick
1-5-07 Brunswick
1-13-07 Fall Out Boy
2-11-07 Valencia
2-23-07 Brunswick
3-3-07 Luck Loves Me Not & Gone Baby Gone
3-14-07 Hit The Lights ♥
3-17-07 Brunswick
3-30-07 Brunswick Acoustic
4-7-07 Brunwswick & The High Court
4-22-07 Cute Is What We Aim For
5-11-07 Hit The Lights
5-19-07 Kiss Concert: Red Jumpsuit & GCH
5-31-07 Fall Out Boy
8-9-07 Warped














My Blog

ciwwaf 4/22

it was pretty much amazing. shaant came out shirtless and i whistled. energy drinks explosions. other peoples food. envy on the coast. high fives. fights. cream cheese. jeff. shaant. tom. fred. ...
Posted by AmandaSUCKIT™[NBCV/VK] on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 03:53:00 PST

hit the lights 3/15

was amazing. my mom was late picking me up so i got there around 3:30. but k recks and her friends were the only ones there. after a while, colin came out. then he left.  i held the door pretty m...
Posted by AmandaSUCKIT™[NBCV/VK] on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 01:16:00 PST

lmfao i love my friends.

Posted by AmandaSUCKIT™[NBCV/VK] on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 06:09:00 PST

fall out boy 1/13

riiight so we got there around 8ish. met up with sam, cassie, jamie, and a few others. nothing happened for a while; i ran down the battery in sam's and ameara's sidekicks, buses got there at 11ish. n...
Posted by AmandaSUCKIT™[NBCV/VK] on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 07:23:00 PST


this entry will be short because not much happened charlie picked me up at 10:30 and we got to the tsongas at 11. it was the longest day everrr. zack came outon brendons bike and went riding around on...
Posted by AmandaSUCKIT™[NBCV/VK] on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 12:57:00 PST

Hit The Lightsss

ok so i got there at around 12:45 and this girl i really don't like was in front of me. it look forever for htl to get there; they showed up around 4. i waited until colin was by himself and then i we...
Posted by AmandaSUCKIT™[NBCV/VK] on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 06:27:00 PST

cute is what we aim for

i got there around 1, and i met this wicked nice girl, shannon. we talked for a while, and then walked around and went to lucky strike to go to the bathroom. we came back and her sister showed up. the...
Posted by AmandaSUCKIT™[NBCV/VK] on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 10:57:00 PST

30 seconds to mars

we got there at 12:30 met up with chelsea who i met at the gch meet and greet.we walked around for a while and passed out stickers for ciwwaf and cobra starship. my mom brought us DD's and we ate...
Posted by AmandaSUCKIT™[NBCV/VK] on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 11:46:00 PST

teddy 9/8

so i left school at around 12:15ish and got to avalon around 1...i was the only one there. i put my backpack down and evans walking over to me...we talked and i give him a bracelet i made. he lef...
Posted by AmandaSUCKIT™[NBCV/VK] on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 08:20:00 PST

htl/ciwwaf 8/11

 i got there at 1:15ish....about five minutes later cute showed up. i got a pic with shaant. they rode around on scooters....bored for the next two hours. met haley from paramore. shes wicke...
Posted by AmandaSUCKIT™[NBCV/VK] on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 02:01:00 PST