People, skiing, fashion, dancing, music, laughter, honesty, vacations, forensic science, making money, spending money, cocktails, helping others, redbull, red wine, cheese, good food, psychology, society, family, friends, children, Wanda Sykes, Margaret Cho, myspace, creativity, beaches, Autumn, rollerskating, skydiving, rollercoasters, interior decorating, 4:20, taking walks, roaming Manhattan, clubs/bars/lounges, snowboarding, roadtrips, trampolines, swimming, steam rooms, massages, broadway shows, museums, candles, symetry, romance, companionship, animals, working in the ER, scents/aromas, vitamin water, colognes, art, tattoos, sushi, ice skating, fire, miracles.....
~~As far as non-love interest, I find people in general very interesting, i enjoy meeting new people always. Let me put it to you this way, im one of those types of people (which there seems to be less and less of us)that no matter where i go i end up having a conversation with atleast one person. I jump at every opportunity to talk to new people, you'd be surprised how much more you smile when you interact with others, even if yo don't know them, you might walk away learning something. Friends come and go, people change...but in the end I always walk away learning something from each person(good or bad). As much as i enjoy meeting new people, I don't tolerate people who are fake, pretentious, selfish, cady, cocky, or shady....if you're your not Real and true to yourself, whats the point of living?...if you're going to put on an act....go into acting and get paid! I would like to meet people who are focussed on life and pretty much know what they want to accomplish while we're all still here. There's more to life than what meats the eye and im attracted to people who are out for more that what's handed to them.
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Mean girls,Saw 2, Margaret CHO, Dirty Love, Wedding Crashers, Van Wilder, SWAT, Saw, Mommy Dearest, Ladder 49, 13 going on 30, Gia, Drop Dead Fred, First Wives Club, Romie & Michelle's High School Reunion, Derailed, Red eye, Van Wilder, The In Laws, Just Friends, Amnityville Horror- basically any movie with Ryan Reynolds, Rent, Hocus Pocus, Don't be a Menace...., Friday, The X men series, all 3 Final Destination movies, Blow, A League of their own, Follow that Bird, My cousing Vinny, Phat Girlz, Beaches, Eurotrip, The Sweetest Thing, The notebook, Bronx Tale, A walk to remember, Monsters Inc., Who Framed Roger Rabbit, the list goes on.
Nip/Tuck, Weeds, Family Guy, Desperate Housewives, Er, Extreme Makeover Home edition, Will & Grace, Special Victems Unit, Forensics, Surgical shows, VH1 back to the 80's, Project Runway, Not gunna lie... i fell in love with Tila Tequilla and I love New York...don't really watch too much tv...but it's all good!!!!!!!!!!
My boyfriend- not only does he love me unconditionally, but he's brave and he helped save someones life. During the explosion in Manhattan he helped save Gregory McCullough, the tow truck driver whose truck fell in the manhole explsion...I love you mi nino and im so proud to call you mine!! xoxo Uncle Mikey, R.I.P- 4/20/07 Aunt Maureen, R.I.P- 1/5/08