shows. tattoos. beerpong. the time warp. suicidegirls. blood and guts. skeeball. music. food. stuff.
i can tell you who i would not like to meet. i dont wanna meet the creepy fuckers who think its hot shit to send messages to chicks asking how much they like to fuck. listen superrapist...FUCK OFF. im not interested. you seriously make me wanna vomit all over my keyboard. so my suggestion to you mr. creepypants...go mutilate yer genitals with an ice pick and leave me the fuck alone. keep yer comments to yerself and stop harrassing women just because you get off on it... and thats my little i hate asshole guys rant for the day.
80s dance music. 90's grunge. little bit of metal. lotabit of punk. riotgrrrl. classic rock. some ska. and stuff i know the words to so i can sing loudly. and off key.
i have a really short attention span so i really only watch them when i go to the movies or if im sick.
cartoons. cops and crime scenes. doctors and love triangles. silly teen dramas...whatevers on when im super bored.
i seriously read like four books a week. and i heart poppy z brite.
kristens mom. and batman.