(CanTon Go0Nies!) (Da Infamous MoMo...Luv u) (mER and MoniCA) (da AngiGuan Clown...My NiggA) (RooseVelt IslanD s0nS) (GraCe GiVes da kiShes.LoL)( Sang bang!)( West IndiAn NiggZ)
FamZ & PplS (Thats NAte da Bro) (Missy dA Sis) (..Go waaY Back like a cadiLLac.LoL)SEe The sun doEs rise And seT on Me.LOL. Da kiDD jus PLayin( CantON Loves)( My Bitch Millz)..{T.o.B}
My main genres of music are Hip-Hop and R&B but I like SOME rock if I can't understand it then I don't even bother. Regge gets the girls up so you gotta like that... width="425" height="350" ..
Love & Basketball, Don't Be A Menace, Scary Movie1,2,and believe it or not 3, Roger Rabbit(since I was young), Kill Bill, White Chicks and a whole bunch of other movies that don't come to mind but will bw added as time goes by... width="425" height="350" ..THIS SCENE FROM DATE MOVIE IS HILARIOUS.LOL
Family Guy all the time. I like other shows the Real World, 106 & Park, The Parkers,Jackass mostly funny shows.
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R U serious.... ?
Funny Videos
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