I like to sleep and watch lots of t.v. I also love Hawaii and I love to have fun. I believe that life is to short not to have fun, so I try to have fun with everything I do. LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO FUSS AND STUFF DAMNIT! Dead baby jokes are funny, YER MOM is hilarious :)...ummm...girls, love and mushiness, hanging out with friends, drinking beer, Subscribe in a reader chillin', dancing, and listening to good music, cooking being in a room alone so I can fart with no reservations (hehehe....Sssshhh)....I don't pick my nose anymore, but I think it was fun back then when I did. OOOOOOOHHHH I LOVE LIZZY TOO! Yes, LIZZY CRAZE, SHE'S FUN!I heard this somewhere: "empathy is a fucking survival trait, not a nice word for kindness". Make sense to you?
I'd like to meet:
I'd like to meet ALMOST anyone, HOWEVER, you must actually have talked to me (typed to me or sent me a message, for "those of you...") before you ask to be on my friends list or
else i'll delete your ass!
I wouldn't mind meeting God on here, but I really doubt he myspaces....or does he???I DON'T want to meet you if you're stupid, just want to have a bunch of friends you never talk to, are a bulletin-aholic with nothing sensible to say ever on the bulletin board, not open minded and are filled with drama!!!JUST BE FUN!
Are Your Pubes Straight or Curly?
Curly bitchessss!!!
What Do You Think About When You Poop?
WTF does it always have to splash?!
Do You Smell Your Own Fart?
Sometimes...to make sure it's not so bad that everyone around me is dying quietly!
What Hand Do You Wipe Your Ass With?
hahahaha....depends on how lazy I am
Do You Look At Your Tissue After Blowing Your Nose?
WTF??! no LOL.
What Hand Do You Brush Your Teeth With?
What Hand Do You Write With?
Constipation or The Squirts?
hahaha..depends on how much tobasco I had with my burrito!
What Do You Drink the most?
Smack A Hoe or Smack My Bitch Up?
smack a some bitches!
What Animal Would You Have Sex With?
yer mom!
Fave Movie You Would Watch While Having Sex
Muppets christmas carol
Last Time You Were Drunk?
last weekend
Happiest Moment In Your Life
I dunno...first time I figured out that masturbation existed??!!!
Saddest Moment In Your Life
When masturbation wasn't as much fun anymore
Worse Moment In Your Life
caught my nuts in the zipper
What Is Your Dream Job?
How Many Tattoos Do You Have?
What Is the Weirdest Thing You Ever Done?
haha...not telling!
If You Had One Wish B4 You Die, What Would It Be?
I want the one I love to love me just as much!
Are You More Happy, Sad, Or Depressed?
happy...sad...and depressed
What Is the Most Important Thing In Your Life?
What Are You More Likely To Spend Your Money On?
edible panties
How Many Significant Others Did You have?
What Is The Best Thing About You?
personality and my oniony taste
What Makes You Feel Good About Yourself?
too many things...love, most of all tho...
If You Know Now What You Do In Your Current Job, Would You Still Do It?
What Is The Worse Hobby You Ever Had?
What Is the Worse Mistake You Ever Made?
Name One Thing You Wish You Had The Power To Do
Haha...make anyone fall in love with me at will
Anything but classical music! I love SOD, Karnye West, Twista, Snoop D-O double G-zzle, Usher, 112, Elephant man, Sizzla...shit, a whole bunch of others I can't think off...
Beavis and Butthead do America, Mr. Deeds, Mr. Nice guy, PCU, All the BLADES, The Princess Bride, Matrix 1 and the first half of 2, Showtime, Bundock saints, snatch, Lock, Stock and 2 smoking barrels....can't think of anymore, or i'm just too lazy to type any more.....
Everything, as long as they aren't commercials.
Shibumi by Trevanian and all the marketing and management books I read in College...oooooohhh and Peter F. Drucker!!!
Bond, James Bond! Robin Hood Prince of Theives, Duncan Macloud, The Highlander, Xena and others like them.