Diabolical Dad profile picture

Diabolical Dad

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

This is going to be difficult but here goes nothing or I guess something. I have had many nick names like Asshole, Dickhead, Son of a bitch, Prick,or Mutherfuker but I go by Dylan these days. I try to be a normal guy but unfortunately I am not. I am probably the hardest person to understand, sometimes I don’t even understand myself. I am an adrenaline junkie that will try anything that leads to that rush. I believe there is something very pure about it that is beyond my comprehension. I LOVE Skydiving, snowboarding,and Dirt/Street bike riding. I LOVE these activities cause it teaches me to stay in the here and now,ummm like how to operate in the present. If that makes any sense??!! Oh I also enjoy hocking loogies on chain linked fences and im fuckin picky when it comes to wind chymes!!!!! I love jamming on my guitar. It’s a great release. Music is a huge part of my life. I always push the envelope and watch it bend. Word up TO YOUR MAMMERS! Sometimes I come off as a cocky bad ass tough guy but really, I feel like an infant child on the inside.LOL! Confidence is not cockyness, but im not even confident. I am always down with new friends as long as you are good people. Just be YOURSELF and forget everything else. Just ask Vanilla ICE, im sorry ICE. I’m out! PEACE MySpace Graphics MySpace Layouts MySpace Backgrounds MySpace Codes Glitter GraphicMySpace LayoutsMySpace GeneratorsMySpace EditorMySpace GraphicsMySpace Games

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Maynerd from TOOL, Smokey Unich,...................................................... ........ ..Alex Grey, and Vanilla Ice

Come on now. you know that shit's FUNKY!!!

My Blog

See me Know me

Who am I, you may wonder.  I am someone you know very well.  For I am every man you meet.  I am every woman you meet.  I am right in front of you...!
Posted by on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 18:42:00 GMT