My name is Concepcion and I'm a full-time writer/actress/designer and talent scout, but I'm not limited to any of these occupations, because of all my many talents in which I plan on exploring! I'm also now a label executive (label head) for Hall Enterprise and a Talent Scout for Indie get Signed( a very well-known Corp). My nationality is CHRIST...LoL...anyone who knows real love knows what I'm talking about. My focus along with Hall Enterprise and Indie Get Signed is to make the world a better place. Every single person underneith Hall Enterprise has a special and significant gift that they were blessed with to give to the world. Hall Enterprise; wanted to give those people a home. Our drive and motivation comes from our Father above, from whom we've acquired our gifts from. We are currently working on releasing our EXTREMELY talented acoustic/soul singer J Hall. J Hall is currently working with well known producer for SONY, Ray Tarantino on his upcoming album "TRUTH" due to release 2009. If you are interested in booking J Hall or interested in purchasing a screenplay, forward us a myspace message or e-mail us at Take care and God bless you. Stay tuned for more updates..."Follow the TRUTH that lives inside of you"
Myspace Layouts at / Ghetto graffiti