My name is TJ. I'm 25 years old. I've been in the Army for 5 1/2 years and have been stationed in Hawaii for about 5 years. I'll be getting out in 2010 and going to school to become a teacher but plans do change so you never know. Being in the Army has brought me alot of experiences that I would've never had otherwise. I can't say that it has all been good, but it has made me who I am today. I've traveled to many places and have seen things that alot of people will never get the chance to. I try to take in the bad experiences as well as the good. It's the only way to grow. I hate homelessness and hunger and want to help raise awareness for both. I love the idea of true happiness but have never really experienced it. I have experienced true love, but true love and true happiness are not the same thing. They can sometimes actually be totally different things. I tend to have a more detailed idea of how and why things are the way they are, when in actuality, they're alot more simple than that. I have a hard time explaining things because thoughts come to me ten times faster than the words used to explain them, so my sentences are frequently jumbled and out of order. It's just the way things come to me. I love learning random interesting facts and will sometimes just spit out a fact about something if the subject comes up. I love music with everything in me. I'll listen to a song ten times in a row and will find out something new and beautiful about it every time. All songs are poetry. Some are great poems and some are really horrible poems. Indie is my favorite genre. The lyrics are by far the best and the music is incredibly unique. I'll end with this since music is the most important part of who I am..1 THE BEST BEATLES COVER EVER!!! real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .