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About Me

People always ask me where I'm from - a most difficult question to answer. I was born in Alabama, lived a few months in Iran, relocated to Texas for the biggest chunk of my life (though I think we briefly went to Alabama again in between), enjoyed the Gulf Coast of Mississippi for a few years, learned a work ethic that still sticks with me in Alaska, and finally ended up in Pennsylvania to round out my childhood.Then I graduated high school.After high school I toured the world with America's finest fighting force, married a high school friend (as opposed to sweetheart, though I know she fell madly in love with me the first time she reported me to the principle on my very first day at a new school!) when she was a sophomore in college, commuted from North Carolina to Maryland for a few years before returning to Pennsylvania to go to college. Now, after years of travel, we seem to have found "home" near Annapolis, Maryland, the home of the U.S. Naval Academy and, as Jill would probably say, more importantly home of St. John's College.God has blessed us with a beautiful little girl named Dorothea after the main character of George Elliot's "Middlemarch", which Jill wrote her senior thesis on at St. John's. She is precocious and bright and continually amazes us with what she is learning. We have trained her since about 3 weeks old to enjoy the outdoors by dragging her along for hours in her baby backpack, which we do at least 3 times a month. Shortly, however, she is going to be too big for that and we will have to start letting her try to walk herself!Jill is an avid yoga fan and spends her time tutoring in Latin, English and writing, with a few piano students scattered in there as well to fill up her "free" time. I have somehow settled in to a desk job, which I never thought would happen, doing financial and retirement planning for individuals and businesses. My office is in Baltimore, MD and I recently earned the CFP® credentials.Spiritually, neither Jill nor I remember a time in our lives we did not consider ourselves Christians, and our prayer is that Dorothea has the same experience. For me, however, it has really only been in the last 4 or 5 years that I have begun to understand what it really means to be a Christian. We currently are members of a PCA church here in Annapolis, primarily because the closest Reformed Baptist church is in downtown D.C., much too big of a headache to get to a few times a week. The baptizing babies thing aside, which has been the source of some great conversations in Sunday school and small group, we have found great spiritual challenge and support among our friends and Elders and have grown greatly in our current fellowship.During football season we spend as many Saturdays as possible tailgating with friends and watching the Naval Academy attempt to hang in there against less intellectual opponents.
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My Interests

Hiking, mountain biking, eating good food, eating bad food, working on the house, reading, and doing a whole lot of doing nothing

I'd like to meet:

Ronald Reagan circa 1987-1988, the man that could wup Mike Wiedl (hint, he doesn't exist!), anyone that could help me lose a few pounds and not have to give up beer


I don't really care about music - sorry Mom, you really tried


Is it violent?


Yes, please!


Jill has expanded my reading horizons immensely. I'm reading 1984 right now, which was preceded by Animal Farm. Loved Milton's Paradise Lost, which I firmly believe should not be read in high school - its grandeur would be lost on children. Jill's dad inspired me to work through Shakespeare, which I learned to love, especially Titus Andronicus, which meshes Shakespeare with my taste in movies. I like anything challenging, but that can do it without being pretentious.


My dad, Jill's grandpa, anyone that took me hunting as a child