Everyday,we meet people in different spheres of life,some of them are our neighbours,schoolmates,colleagues and even passers-by on the street.Many of them are hurting and broken-hearted,full of shattered dreams and dashed hopes. They try to mask their frustrations behind cosmetic smiles.When you meet these people who can't see light at the end of their tunnel,you make a difference in their lives, Never be insensitive to the plights of others.It's easy to become judgemental and tell people how bad and sinful they are,and link their predicament to their mistakes and frailities.Well,the man or woman is already broken inside and does not need anyone to remind him or her of his sins and misdeeds!All that is needed is a word from you that will bring hope and encouragement,a word that will heal the broken-hearted.The reason God brought them your way was so they could hear words that would show them a new future that is lighted with hope. When you meet hurting people ,make up your mind they will leave happy ,strengthened and encouraged.God is counting on you to bring hope to someone in your world today. God bless you for being a part of my life.