Horse back riding, dancing, painting, sculpting, drawing, writing, clubbing, playin cards, sleeping, vegging out, going out to diner, road trips, skateboarding (i cant do it very well but i like it), carttoons, scary movies, comic book, well there is more im just tired of thinking about what I like.
Id like to meet someone like me, someone who can handle a joke but can be serious to. No one who is going to come between me and my friends. LOL thats a big no no.
Flogging Molly, Korn, Metallica, SlipKnot, DaRude, Lords of Acid, Poison the Well, Walls of Jericho, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, and yes I do like some classical. I like country as long as its funny, sappy songs get to me too.....
Nightmare Before Christmas, Alice in Wonderland, Queen of the Dammed, Interview with a Vampire, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, House of a 1000 Corpses, Donnie Darko, Super Troopers
The Simpsons, Adult Swim, Afred Hitchcock, Twilight Zone, The Big O, Oz, Pokemon (for shits and giggles), The Munsters, I love Lucy, Mr. Ed, Um idk anymore, I cant remember them all.
False Memory, DreamCatcher, Witch of Blackbird Pond, All the Harry Potter books, A Child Called It, there are othes but i cant remember them right now.
Jack Nicholson, Jay and Silent Bob, Sean Connery, Dr. Cube (Kaiju Big Battle), Sir Anthony Hopkins, Dr. Satan, Mashed Potato Lepracauns (ask my brother hell tell you the story), Willy Wonka