Been dabbling with muzic for quite a while now, be it picking up an acoustic guitar and working together with friends compilations of melodies, exploding the bleeding ears of the rock masses, or dancing along with the old gods side by side. We all like to escape the reality of our day to day existence, and no better way than the subtle pathway of sounds. Sparkos Sound Service has taken an unpredictable turn for now at least. For now science the boy must learn, I sit with computer programs and fingers hovering over keyboards, taking time out engaging in the social sciences and gathering enough academic information that would make most heads explode. Although i still have enough time to throw some systematic sounds together and illustrate some colours in an inventive yet productive way, so sit tight and strap yourselves in, puke upon your computers or simply leave. For me, well i shall do what i seem to do best, fade into the background and gain some knowledge upon this ever changing life. Just thought i'd throw some waves in your general direction!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Frank Zappa.
C. Wright Mills.
Howard, S Becker.
Jeff Buckley,
Kurt Cobain,
Layne Staley,
Syd Barret.
Bob Marley.
The Creator of life.