soccer, futsal, extreme outdoors, jogging, swimming, triathlon, volleyball, softball, web design & programming, the art of eating, classical piano, pilates & yoga, food, weird stuff & people
Anyone who has a passion for anything.
Lenny Kravitz, Bob Marley, Big Moutain, Jacj Johnson, John Mayer, Kula Shaker, Wolfgang, Counting Crows, Sting, jazz, R&B, alternative, pop rock, indie rock, oldies, classical(Tchaikovsky), techno trance, salsa, bossanova, havana, OPM, strange music
The Alchemist - Paul Coelho, Judith McNaught , V.C. Andrews, Sterling Plumpp, The Gift of Acabar - Og Mandino, Wuthering Heights - Emile Bronte, Nine Princes In Amber - Robert Zelazny, What Should I Do With My Life? - Po Bronson