Welcome to the official site of the Sacred Order of the Verbal Jackals, a splinter sect of the Church of the Subgenius.
I am sure you are asking yourself 'splinter sect of the Church of the Subgenius?' Well, some random online encyclopedia I found provided the definitions below:
splin·ter (splntr) n. 1. A sharp, slender piece split or broken off from a main body.
sect (skt) n. 1. A group of people forming a distinct unit within a larger group by virtue of certain refinements or distinctions of belief or practice. 2. A religious body, especially one that has separated from a larger denomination.
If you are looking for a definition of 'Church of the Subgenius,' you'll have to go here: www.Subgenius.com
What have we split from the whole over? What difference in belief could seperate us from the Mother Cult? Well, I guess you'll have to send me a friend request and ask!