Right now I am a complete workaholic, but in general, I love a great book, listening to music, playing with my nephews, drinking martinis with my sister-in-law, laying on the beach with my younger sister while listening to brazilian music, justifying my need for retail therapy with my other sister, having a glass of wine and crooning my brains out, cleaning my house and my car (wierd I know), traveling, business "mixers", eating sushi and sake, going to the movies a-l-o-n-e, exploring the island, girls night out a-l-w-a-y-s, going to fights, paying $20 bucks for some student to learn how to massage on my tension points, buying myself roses, fresh bread and brie cheese, having long talks with my dad, going to Chinatown on Sunday, dim sum, BRAVO tv, sunset brisk walks....