Someone who can look past past outward appareneces and see what really matters. Someone who can put up with a musician picking up a guitar at two in the morning because a dream gave him the insperation to write something. Someone who is honest enough to tell him that the piece you worked on for a couple of hours sucks. Someone who won't walk away because of one inconvienice. Someone who, when the aformentioned idiotic dumbfuck musician is struggling to get a piece perfect and is becoming extremely frustrated and pissed, will walk up to him and just kiss him and let him hold her. If I could find that woman, life would be perfect.
And then I wake up to find it was all a dream...
Something I Can Never Have - Nine Inch Nails
...and Roger Waters & David Gilmour...
...just to kick them in the ass.
...and Stephen King... I can shake his hand...
...and hope some of his talent rubs off on me...
...and Jeff Denby...
...for killing JT you sick fucking son of a bitch fucking asshole!!! I'd kill you myself if I had the fucking bail money, you sick fucking asshole!!! I wouldn't even care about the witnesses!!! I'd have killed you right then and there in front of the court house!!! I'd even fly to Louisiana and kill you as you leave the court room if they give you anything besides life without parole or the death penalty!!! At least I know there's a nice little spot in Hell with your name on it, you fucking asshole...
...not even God will save you now, Jeff...
And then there's the one person I DO NOT to meet.
Obama - The Democrats' Republican
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