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About Me

A mother, a wife, a tattooer, a snowboarder, a drawer, a painter...in that order. Get your layout at Mypsace.org

My Interests

Skyler Beau, snowboarding, selkirks, tattoos, tattooing, drawing, wondering, sleep deprivation, donuts, winter, beer, snowflakes, mom stuff, 35% milk fat, the weather network, memory foam pillowtops.

I'd like to meet:

J to the R O C....know what I'm saaayyyiiiinnnn.


Beatles, good ol Led Zeppelin, the Who, The Foo, White Stripes, Radiohead, Blind Melon, Mr. Lennon, Sir Paul, Little Simon and the Garfunk, CSNY, The Raconteurs, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Beastie Boys, Otis Redding, Black Crowes, Mr. Cash, The Nelson Willie, The Highway Men, The White Stripes, Van Morrison, Elton John in the sixties, Matt Good, Janis, Mrs. Franklin, The Donnas, The Sundays, Coheed and Cambria, a wee bit of the John Denver, The Vines, The Stooges, Murder City Sparrows, Modest Mouse, Tiger Army, Band of Horses, The Smalls, Juliette and The Licks, Tool, The Ramones, Neil Young, Tiger Army, Against Me, Born Ruffians, The Whigs, Interpol, The Allman Brothers...to list a few.


Detroit Rock City, Stand by Me, Blow, Snatch, Jackie Brown, Little Miss Sunshine, Almost Famous, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.


Admit it before it destroys you.... Trailer Park Boys is the greatest show on televison hands down. The Wonder Years, and Freaks and Geeks rule too.


Reading is for chumps. Unless...of course...they are childrens books and your name is Skyler Beau. Then I love reading....and especially to you my sweet pea.


my husband, The Guerrilla Girls, Tenacious D, Chris Robinson, Kore Flatmo, Shige, Robert Hernandez, Jack White, Steph, Nikko, ManWoman, H Bomb, Ricky, Julian and Bubbles.....hard as fuck boys, J to the ROC baby....in the hezee baby.

My Blog

motherfucking hiring

hey dooooods. I am looking to add a third custom tattoo artist at the shop. If you are interested myself, and Mitch Hoes are rad, cool, and smooth talking funny bastards. Drop me a line and come see t...
Posted by karriebomb on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 06:14:00 PST

good company

Just wanted to let you all know that Mitch Hoes will be going my shop starting Nov. 1st. He is a rad dooood...and we should get along like peas in the pod.
Posted by karriebomb on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 10:11:00 PST


the middle is not a nice place to be...unless...i suppose you are the filling in an oreo cookie. then its probably fuckin fantastic. but in my case...not so good.
Posted by karriebomb on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 06:48:00 PST


it is hard to bother. to hold your head above water, when you are drowning.
Posted by karriebomb on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 08:36:00 PST

nothing gained, something learned.

disappointments.....thats all people are. plain and simple. life seems to repeat this lesson a lot for me.
Posted by karriebomb on Thu, 24 May 2007 07:49:00 PST

I make me sick.

i gave in and now i am on fucking facebook. barf.
Posted by karriebomb on Mon, 21 May 2007 12:44:00 PST

Blackbird Studio

Blackbird Studio is located at #5 1330 15ave SW, Calgary, Alberta. Open by Appointment Only. Call to book a consultation 403- 229-1225 ....www.blackbirdcustomstudio.com.
Posted by karriebomb on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 12:53:00 PST

back to work bitches!!

So after months and months of various bs, I finally got my space, and Blackbird Tattoo will be located in suite #5, 1330-15ave SW in Calgary. It will just be me tattooing, and the kid will tag along s...
Posted by karriebomb on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 03:47:00 PST

Little Vermon

So I am going to have a baby girl on the second of July if all goes as planned. This is the best place to get a hold of me until I get back to the grind, or visit my website and email me from there. T...
Posted by karriebomb on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 03:16:00 PST


Friends, companions, what are they truly. A need for something is weakness? A testimony for repayment when one side of the scale is so much lower than the other side. Weight, heavy weight, more to bea...
Posted by karriebomb on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 03:33:00 PST