My name is Evelyn ; my friends call me Eevee ♥
-- I believe in God.
-- I am incredibly impatient.
-- I am a strong advocate of Peace&Love
A / Y
Thank you, John Lennon. You're my hero.
For Kicks:
Someone that can make me smile,
laugh, and then cry from all the laughter :D
Someone who believes in faith, GOD, morals,
and fears not showing it.
An intellectual who can challenge my thought process.
An artisit, a poet, a musician, a romantic.
A new friend.once again:
Steven Va Ly
My dearest friend.
We'll meet again.
I just know it.
I'm a bookNERD.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
My heroes. My parents
♥ Knuckleheads.