Art - Junk - Yard Sales - Computers - Electronics - Scooters - Dancing- Girls- Multiples- Catagories- Pitures- Boston - Design- Good Spellers - Performace Art - Apple computers - Music - Learning new things - Watches - Really old T shirts Photography - Happenings.
I STILL want to meet someone who will read to me...
I want to meet people who will be there when stuff falls apart. People are always around when stuff is good, but it can't be good all the time.
Honest individuals.
People who like to got brunch.
Dog lovers.
People who can spell, Move slower than me and can show me where the flowers are.
People who like to take pictures and don't mind becoming apart of my life long documentary...
I want to meet people who can hold my interest. I want to meet people who are smart and offer interesting and inspiring conversation from an honest point of view. People who can see the bigger picture and view it from more than one angle. People who are constantly working on a better them and can admit they have failed once or twice and learned from it. I want to meet people who don't bounce when the shit falls apart. People who like to be spur of the moment and don't always need a plan. Artists that want to talk about art, share and make it. Someone to who wants to waste time with me.I want to meet people who will shut me up.
I want to listen to music all the time.
I think movies are great and so is popcorn.
Four Eyed Monsters. Oh Susan somedays I feel just like this.
...................... Watch Episode 7
I like to watch T.V. series all in one shot. I like education television. HGTV - Junk Brothers Cartoon Network- Foster's home Logo Animal Planet Ugly Betty Degrassie High. I am such a little kid.
Anything Sabrina Ward Harrison has made. Post Secret. I have a few art books I love. Scarlet Letter - Harry Potter Vol I II III and Iv - The lion the witch and the Wardrobe - The catcher in the Rye- Invisibal monsters
My Mom. and KATIE...