I got this layout from hot-lyts.com! Click here to get your own.
www.hot-lyts.comI am half chinese and half spanish.
I dont like people who stalks me.. or stare at me too much.. makes me uncomfortable.. I like chatting.. reading.. listening to music.. radio rocks! DJs are cool. I love music. I am always quiet.. Im quiet when i am mad or if i have some problems,upset or thinking too much. I talk alot when im happy. I always laugh/smile.. I love animes. I love my friends. The d00ds! Awesome guys!
I hate insects.. I dont like plastics.. so be real...
Things you probably don't know about me:
Im allergic to seafoods exceptfish.. :))
I love eating.
I wear glasses and proud of it.
I lovechocolates.. helps me feel better.
I love donkey.
I am pessimistic.
I love foods from fast food places or w/e u call them
I like to annoy some people when im bored.
Hazel thinks:
I'm fun to be with
Pretty (you're such a good friend xD)
She thinks guys are asking me out from school :)) (we actually think that guys at school are hopeless) Shy
Smart (?) Don't judge me.. it's pathetic.
..click it to get your own..