About Me
..Check it, It's RizZ, Those of you, who know me, you probably got a different name. AKA: DJ WIZARD SMOKE (as the Homey J-Ride would say) AKA: R-I-DUB"Z", AKA: RIZZA, AKA: RIZZNIZZLE… The list goes on and on… By day, I manage various programs for an Aerospace Engineering Co. By night, I spin records and pump the dance floor with Infectious, Beatz, Bass, Breakz and Rhythmz. Keep a look out for 5150 CO. An Entertainment Company on the RiZE. 5150 CO. is bringing you the DnB sound mixed by 5150. My drive, my motivation, and my ambition for music, is what made me who I am today. We all live in this Konkrete Jungle, we’re all everyday Junglist. Drumâ€Nâ€Bass heads or not. Lot of HomeBoYz, and HomeGirLz, have come and gone. Some by CHOICE….. Some LOST in SPACE. Some of our Krew are no longer with us, and have moved on to the Next Life… RESPECT!! LET THEM Rest In Peace. Let it be known, they’re still with us. We all know who they are. They don’t need to be on an internet webpage, with different colors, images, fonts and text, to be acknowledged. Lets’ take a minute, and BE REAL, and not about STATUS. This MyspY Profile was created to support the DJ’s/BANDS/RECORD CO.’s/MUSICIANS/FRIENDS/ARTISTS that have inspired/influenced me throughout my existence on this rock. MYSPACE.COM/FIVEONEFIVEO is a Public, Non-Private, collection of: The Finest Friends, Top DrumNBass DJ’s /MC’s in my hometown of LA/Worldwide, and Home of the Talented, Most Respected Musicians on the whole Mutha’F_ckin’ PLANET!! Check out some FRESH ISH: MYSPACE.COM/STEMLIFE. Kidz are killin' it!! This collection is under construction... You gotta’ get in where you fit in. MUCH LOVE, TAKE CARE!! I KNOW YOU, DON'T FRONT LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW ME, DROP ME A LINE! PEACE!