racing motorcycles, football, baseball,tennis, golf, gambling, watching tons of movies, hitting the gym,traveling, backpacking, cooking, photography, spending time with stella
everything except country music... metallica, ozzy, guns n roses, limp bizkit, 2pac, notorious big, def leppard, linkin park.
LOTR trilogy, Star Wars pre-qual and trilogy, The Rock, The Last Samurai, Unusual Suspect. Top Gun, Superman, Pumping Iron, X-Men, Superman Returns, Pirates of the Carribean
smallville, the oc, lost, alias, 24, nip/tuck, las vegas, greys anatomy,lois&clark, surreal life, entourage
Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill. Star Wars - Timothy Zohrn.
Don't rely on the past to create the future; rely on the future to erase the past.