♥ Loved by Many, Hated by Plenty♥ profile picture

♥ Loved by Many, Hated by Plenty♥

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

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I'd like to meet:

**(((The Best Friends in the world that i love soo Freakin much!!!that as i met them i knew they were tru friends and until now we have become the best friends ever actually were like brothers and sisters now!!!I love Yougise!!!!








This is My hutchi#1 she the best friend ever!!me n her get along very well..Cristina and ruthy=double trouble♥ and bitches are jelous of us cause they wanna be us!!!!but besides that theirs not much to say only that i love her and i thank her for always being there when i need someone to talk to or cry to or get ma feelings shared...Love you SISSY♥ **(((Berenice is the best gril!!she funny and thats what i love of her the way she says things that just are hilarious!!!shes been there for me and she my hoe!!!! **((This is my skank shes the best cousin ever!!!weve both bee through alot!!sence we were small weve always been tight and i thank her for everything!!!Love ya Prima!!! This is My Uncle the bossy uncle ever!!but i love him!!!hes an awsome uncle who i love to kickit with!!! **((This is my hutchi auntii delia she been there through thick n thin and is the bomb!!!takes me evrywhere wants the best for me!!!the bad thig is that she lives far away from me but miss ya!!! **((this Is my twin i supposobly talk like her and look like her and we both are cute with a chubby waist lol..we both thin k the same and love to have fun with the same likes and dislikes!! **((This is My BITCH!!you will alwyas see us togather either being retarded or flirting around me n her togather equal double trouble!!!**)) **((Eddie one of the coolest person i have ever met love the way he is and the way he thinks in things love his personality and enjoy having him present...**)) My uncle david the which is also the best i love how he cares for me and wants the best for as i want the best for him!!! This is the annoyest sister ever but i love it**))shes funny and weird but thats what i love about her!!i love how shes outgoing and loves to have fun n party!!!! **((Last but not leat Brian aka as SMILEY but to me hes like a brother thati have never had!!!the best!!!