Welcome to the Twin City O.P.S. myspace page!
To those of you who are new to us: Many people are afraid to call for help when strange phenomena occurs for fear of being considered crazy. You are NOT crazy! Our members have come together from all different sorts of backgrounds, and we all have our own stories of strange things that have happened to us - which is what brought us together; to strive to find answers for the unexplained. We are here for you, and we want to help you in any way we can. A few of our members have already completed a paranormal investigation course and have received a Certificate of Completion. We plan to have all of our members certified soon, because we want to provide you with the best possible, most PROFESSIONAL service we can. Our service is FREE and your information will be kept strictly CONFIDENTIAL.
If you are still a little on the fence about having a paranormal investigation team come to your home or place of business, here is what you can expect from Twin City O.P.S:
- A team of 4 - 8 investigators depending on the size of the location and events reported by witnesses. Every case is different. All of our equipment is handheld and carried in audio/video bags. There is nothing we use that would be dangerous to you or your home or business. Most of our investigations last approximately 4 hours, however, this could vary depending on the size of the location or specific concerns. We will ask to turn all lights off. No t.v.s or radios can be on during the investigation because this will tamper with our equipment. We ask that you invite no guests while we are conducting our investigation. We ask that you do not smoke or burn candles as we investigate because this will interfere with our equipment and our sense of smell. We ask that you remain in one centralized location of the home or business and talk normally. Whispering could taint our audio recording. If you would like to have an investigator sit with you and explain things as they happen while the investigation is being conducted, please let us know. You will receive a copy of all evidence collected (or informed of a lack thereof) approximately 4 weeks after the investigation has been concluded. However, we will give you a call 2 weeks after the initial investigation to see if you have anymore reported activity or if the activity has subsided. We do not exterminate ghosts. If you and/or we feel there is a need for another party to come in to get rid of something, we'd be happy to point you in the right direction or contact the individual for you. We are very sensitive to our client's needs and try to be as non-invasive as possible. We care about you!
Tombstone GeneratorALL PICTURES, IMAGES, ETC. ON THIS PAGE are Property of Twin City O.P.S. and therefore cannot be ripped, or taken, or used without the express written permission of Twin City O.P.S. (Copywrited 2007 All rights reserved)..
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