steven g ruzty who was born in lovington nm moved to midland tx at age 12 and started fresh as a rockstar then quitt and started poetry at age 13 then hitt up rap after the 3 months of age 13 since then stevie g hitt up album "death murders" and droped the tittle there for came "dark matter" fully anticipated against the main enemy of the underground "the mainstream" steve calls this form of rap music swaze or next generation its like mainstream but only underground and better off soundin the streets spread the word because that shit is deep. steve now at age 17 then dropped down solo with a new fresh label Wolf Pak ent. whoose very own syco and steven g ruzty own. the muthafuckas plan to hitt stevie g's first swazed album dark matter hard and are vastly working on it each day expect that muthafucka soon because its going to be a hitt and it will get word on the streets quick Steven g ruzty who was first inspired by the most famous rock band of all time "KoRn" still rocking and always will be thas the band bio of steve steve as the ladies call him hitt the muthafucka up with any problems or concernsWHEN I WAS A LIL KID GROWING BACK IN THE DAYS I USE TO WATCH CARTOONS AND WHAT NOT BUT NOT THE KINDA CARTOONS THAT LIL KIDS WATCH THESE DAYS I HITT UP BATMAN ALL DA TIME BECAUSE OF THE MAIN VILLIAN THE JOKER I GREW UP WANTING TO FUCK UP GOTHAM CITY JUST LIKE HIM HAHAHA YEA ITS TRUE CAUSE NOW THEY MADE THAT MOVIE AND THE MUTHAFUCKER GOES HARD NO JOKE HEATH LEDGE PUTS JACK NICOLSONS OLD ASS TO SHAME IN THIS FLICK NO OFFENCE BUT YEA THATS PART OF THE ALBUM ITS ABOUT ANGER AND HOW THE ANGER INSIDE THAT YOU HAVE NOW WILL CHANGE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE BY THE THANGZ YOU DO SO THATS PART OF WHAT JOKER HAS TO DO WITH IT BECAUSE IT ALSO HAS HOW YOU GET MAD AND HOW YOUR PERSONALITY TRATES AND OTHER CHARACTERISTICS CHANGE BECAUSE OF AGGRESSION THATS WHY THE ALBUM HAS JOKER AS THE PORTRAL OF DARK MATTER