~ First Official Jerome Polish Support ~ profile picture

~ First Official Jerome Polish Support ~

About Me

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VIDEO "Everything I am"!!!
JEROME(22)urodzil, sie i dorastal w Sheffield w Anglii, w niebezpiecznej dzielnicy, gdzie nikt nawet nie myslal o show businessie. "Dorastalem w najgorszej czesci miasta. Wielu z moich przyjaciól z podwórka zeszlo na zla sciezke. Kilkoro z nich wyladowalo w wiezieniu albo zatracili sie w narkotykach. Chcialem uniknac takich pomyslów na zycie. Chcialem czegos wiecej" wyjasnia 22-letni Jerome i w jego glosie slychac dume ze udalo mu sie to osiagnac na swój wlasny sposób. Jerome, jako pasjonat mody, natychmiast zaimponowal innym czlonkom LXB swoim stylem i pomógl grupie wykreowac ich wlasny wyglad sceniczny. Wlozyl wszystkie swoje mozliwosci w zespól, dlatego ze zdawal sobie sprawe, ,ze musi ciezko pracowac nad szansa która dostal. W sekrecie przed wszystkimi (nie mówiac nic nawet swoim przyjaciolom i rodzinie) przeszedl przez eliminacje do zespolu, odbywajace sie w internecie i byl w drodze na kolejny etap w Londynie. "Nigdy nie bralem lekcji tanca czy spiewu. Kiedy tancze, spiewam lub wystepuje na scenie, to wszystko jest intuicyjne i wtedy wiem, ze musze podjac to wyzwanie, wykorzystac ta szanse." Kiedy juz na 100% okazalo sie, ze Jerome bedzie czlonkiem grupy, jego rodzina nie mogla w to uwierzyc. Przez tyle lat Jerome trzymal swoja pasje do muzyki w calkowitej tajemnicy przed swiatem! Niestety tuz przed finalnymi kwalifikacjami do zespolu, przeznaczenie pokazalo swoje brutalne oblicze. Jerome byl swiadkiem napasci gangu na mloda kobiete. Zainterweniowal bez obaw, ale w reakcji gang rzucil sie na Jeroma i zostal zaatakowany przez dziewczyne potluczona butelka, która groznie rozciela jego szyje. Na szczescie Jerome przezyl. Zostala blizna, ale Jerome nie ma zamiaru jej ukrywac. "Jestem kim jestem. I nie mam zamiaru ukrywac skad pochodze. Ale teraz jestem tu i zrobil wszystko, zeby zespól byl naprawde zgrany. Jestesmy piecioma kolesiami i duzo nas laczy. Musimy sie nauczyc polegac na sobie nawzajem. I mamy przy tym mnóstwo zabawy!"
he dream of making a career in the music industry was by no means something that JEROME(22)could take for granted. In fact, having dreams of any kind was by no means normal in the area where he grew up. Born and raised in Sheffield, England and in one of the toughest city districts at that, Jerome never even had a chance to dream about a career in the music industry or in show business. “I grew up in a rough part of Sheffield. Many of my friends that I grew up with ended up on the wrong track. Some landed in jailed or lost themselves in drugs. I wanted to avoid this at all costs. I wanted more!”, explains the 22-year-old and his words reflect a certain amount of pride in having ‘made it’ on his own terms. A passionate fashion aficionado, Jerome immediately impressed the other members of LEXINGTON BRIDGE with his style and he helped to create the band’s look for live shows. He puts everything into the band because he knows that you have to work hard for the chances you get. Secretly and without telling his friends and family, Jerome came across a UK audition announcement for the band in the Internet and made his way down to London. “I never had dancing or singing lessons – When I sing, dance and perform it’s all from a gut feeling and that’s how I knew that I had to take advantage of this chance.” When it became clear that Jerome was going to be in the band, his family could hardly believe it. Through the years, Jerome had kept his passion for music to himself. However, just ahead of the final audition, fate intervened unpredictably and in full brutality. After witnessing a young woman being harassed and assaulted by youth gang, Jerome interceded dauntlessly. The gang went after Jerome and a young woman attacked Jerome ferociously with a broken bottle and cut his neck. A scar remains and he has no intention of trying to hide it. “I am who I am. And where I come from is where I come from. But I’m here now and I will do everything to keep our team tight. We are five lads with a lot in common. We are mates and we have learned to rely on each other. And we have a lot of fun together.”

hey! ;) i'm SONIA, i'm 19 and come from poland ;) i love LXB's music and especially one part of this band...JEROME :D so i'm his FIRST OFFICIAL POLISH SUPPORT!!! ;))) hope u enjoy my profile!!! xxx

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