This is me, being cooler than you!
Get Your Monster Name
::: DONE :::
C.C. Deville...oh man...the happiest day of my life! he was everything i expected and more and so super nice.
my whole life i wanted to meet Chewbacca, but when i finally did meet him (Peter Mayhew-no costume), he was a fukkin dick!
and my man...
i've met i guess my life is complete and fulfilled. i can die now.
ok, seriously, This is a list of the types of people i want to associate myself with:
*Creative people
*Funny people
*Inspiring people
*People i can have a real conversation with
*People who are open minded
*People who are different
*People who are eccentric
*People who think
*People who dream out loud
*People who DO and not just SAY
*People who are ALIVE inside
*People who care...
*...Not only about themselves or other people, but also other living beings as well as the planet they live on.
So if you wanna talk, Add me or IM me or whatever.
My OBSESSIONS...and Fictitious Characters
Diet Coke
Battlestar Galactica
Click one of The Cassette's to see MY MUSIC LIST...
Click the Film !!!
book of lies or any books by DISINFORMATION,
books about fairies, unicorns and other mythological creatures and demons, alternative religions and philosophies, conspiracy theories,...i dont read anything exclusively. MAGS: gothic beauty, rue morgue, music mags, Juxtapoz, Bizzarre, ReadyMade and artsy fartsy fashion and craft mags. i'm kind of a part time nErd when it comes to collectible figures and also LOST or battlestar mags, too.
R2D2 !!! he always saves the day,
yet never gets the credit he deserves!
Foamy the squirrel (neurotically yours)
Julia Butterfly Hill