i like going on walks to the park and then pushing my girls on the swings there. i love chatting with friends who can handle my quirks. i adore my husband and doing the simple things, i'm talking like as simple as dishes, is a pleasure with his company. i live for Jesus.
i'm set for now, thanks.
my husband on the guitar worshipping.
i want to rent one tonight, any suggestions? well, now I know...Robots, yes cartoon, is the most amazing movie EVER and I am not even exagerating
charger games are about the only thing that i'll bother with on t.v.
i wish i were a bookworm, i just don't pull it off well. Philippians has my attention right now.
Jesus and Cory...and my life commentator and serendipitous adventure seeker amiga, the one and unica allie