TrOuBLe NeVa LoOkEd So GoOd profile picture

TrOuBLe NeVa LoOkEd So GoOd

Mrs.James Da Name ;-p

About Me

Wow.. so Spring semester is finally here and after this year I will be a Sophmore in college because I started much earlier than most people who graduated high school with me. Let me real quickly sum up whats been going on with me. I'm still in Tally attending TCC and lovin and livin life. I still have my two best friends Carlos Angel and Benita Milson, I party with the best of them, my sister Patrice and my crazy ass WhItE friend Sarah. When it comes to guys.. I think I found a good one.. He hates his first name so everyone calls him by his middle name which is "Ryan".. Thats my babe though!!.. We met in the cutest way.. I really see me being wit him for a good minute.. He's from Apalachicola {yet, I got me an ol' southern nigga} and country for real.. BUt I fUcKS wIT hIm CAuSE hE FUcks Wit ME!!!! *BencieLayout made by xxsnowdropxx at .Myspace Contact Tables

My Interests

I have so much:

Myspace Codes

My college motto:

Myspace Codes

To all those gurls that hate on me:

Myspace Codes

The One I Gave My Heart 2
Whats ur baby's name?: H {shh..} "Ryan" James
Do u love him/her?: Getting there
Wut's their fave color?: black {or at least thats my fav. color on him}but he loves the color Blue
Wut's their fave food?: Pizza
Who said I Love You first?: WHEN we get that point I probably will say it first
Did u have sex with him/her?: Yes
Does him/her know ur family?: He's talked to them but will meet them in March when he comes home with me for Spring Break
Does ur family like him/her?: They like him cause he makes me happy
Do u 2 have weird nicknames 4 each other? if so wut?: NO.. not really
When and where did u 2 meet?: @ Seminole Suites
Who introduced u 2?: Lauren
Who made the first move?: I did
What attracted u to him/her?: His conversation
What attracted him/her to u?: my conversation.. he feels like i wasn't stuck-up and he liked that
Do u 2 argue?: yes.. and I always win
do u kno each other well enough to finish on another's sentences?: Yes
If u 2 had kids wut would their names be?: We don't talk about kids like that cause we have lives to live
Is he/she taller than u?: Yes
What irritates u about him/her?: He says "I feel you" instead of sayin how he feels
What do u love most about him/her?: He cares and respects me so much
Do they sing 2 u?: No but I sing to him
Do u sing to them?: Yes
What's ur favorite memory u 2 shared with one another?: The 3 parties we went to when we first started hangin out..
Did he/she ever make you cry?: No
what's the dumbest thing you've ever argued about?: The heat championship game... He claims they should have lost but i knew they was gonna wim
Does his/her family like you?: I meet them Jan. 21st
Do you like his/her family?: I like what I hear about them
Is ur relationship envied?: Yes.. by all my homegirls cause they want something this good
Ever feel like: like what?
What would u do if he/she dided tomorrow?: be so sad cause I think I found my soulmate
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I'd like to meet:

Who are funny, down to earth, outgoing, and knows how to make the best out of an worse case scenario.

*Just for Ryan*

*I luv it when he..*

*I so agree*

Seven Deadly Sins Survey:

Who did you last get angry with? Ryan... But its all out of love
What is your weapon of choice? tazzer
Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? yup..
How about the same sex? thats even betta
Who was the last person who got really angry at you? Patrice... but she'll be ight
What is your pet peeve? People that smack when they eat
Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily? I let things go over time and after I've said all that on my mind
What is one thing you're suppose to do daily that you haven't? Homework
What is the latest you've ever woken up? 4 pm
Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't? My dad
What is the last lame excuse that you made? I was in the shower
Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through? Nope
How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock this morning? Once
What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice? Como??
Are you a meat eater? yup
What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event? i think like 12 shots., I got messed up that night and my babe took care of me
Are you comfortable with your drinking and eating habits? yes
Do you enjoy candy and sweets? sometimes
Which do you prefer: sweets, salty foods or spicy foods? Spicy foods
Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "lunch"? eww.. no
How many credit cards do you own? None... debit cards sweetie
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? go shopping and take a nice vacation
Would you rather be rich or famous? Rich
Would you accept a boring job if it meant that you would make megabucks? yup
What's one thing that you have done that you're most proud of? Attend college and make great grades
What's one thing you have done that your parents are most proud of? Keep my main focus my education
What thing would you like to accomplish late in your life? Getting married and having kids
Do you get annoyed by coming in second place? not really
Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors? ha ha.. yes
Have you ever cheated to get a better score? yup
What did you do today that you're proud of? retured a purse somebody lost
How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies, family, strippers, locker rooms)? i can count on 2 hands
How many people have seen you naked (not counting physicians, doctors, family, locker rooms, or when you were a young child)? lots ;-p
Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a person of your chosen sex during a normal conversation? no
What is your favorite body part of a person of your gender choice? lips
Have you ever had sexual encounters (including kissing/making out) with multiple persons? no
Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute? no
What item of your friends would you most want to have for your own? Nothing...
Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces" with? Myself
If you could be anyone who existed in the world, who would you be? bencie
Have you ever been cheated on? Yup
Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own? yup
What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself? None... i look good
What deadly sin...
Do you do the most often? Lie
Do you do the least often? Steal
Is your favorite to act on? Have no other gods above thy
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I listen to almost anything.. It just has to have good lyrics and be music that I can relate too ;-)


Anything on MTV


The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!
What is your favorite..
gum: Orbit {sweet mint}
restaurant: Red Lobster
drink: Sprite
season: Summer
type of weather: Hot wit a cool breeze
emotion: Happy
thing to do on a half day: Sleep
late-night activity: Cuddle with my babe
sport: Football
city: Tallahassee
store: Body Shop
When was the last time you..
cried: Its been a min.
played a sport: When me and ryan went to fun station and I had to dawg walk him in BaSkEtBaLL
laughed: 2 sec. ago
hugged someone: This mornings
kissed someone: 5 sec. ago
felt depressed: been a while and its gonna stay like that
felt elated: felt how?
felt overworked: omg.. when I was trying to leave Tally for christmas break.. felt like time was moving so quickly and i was moving so slow
faked sick: never
lied: I try hard not too
What was the last..
word you said: "No you stupid BiTcH"
thing you ate: Food
song you listened to: If I ain't got you- Alicia Keys Ft. Usher
thing you drank: Fruit Punch
place you went to: My bedroom
movie you saw: Jackass 2
movie you rented: Saw 2
concert you attended: Famu's 2006 Homecoming
Who was the last person you..
hugged: Sa'Niya
cried over: Ryan
kissed: Ryan
danced with: Patrice & Sarah
shared a secret with: Ryan
had a sleepover with: Ryan
called: My mom
went to a movie with: Lauren & Patrice
saw: Patrice
were angry with: Leo
couldn't take your eyes off of: Ryan
obsessed over: Ryan
Have you ever..
danced in the rain: Yes
kissed someone: Yes
done drugs: Yes
drank alcohol: Yes
slept around: No -- I'm not LaUrEn
partied 'til the sun came up: Yes
had a movie marathon: No
gone too far on a dare: No
spun until you were immensely dizzy: Yes
taken a survey quite like this before: No ;-p
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My Mother & Grandmother