coming soon!
milla on carson daly a few years ago
I've been writing songs since 2001, I received good feedback so I kept going. I wrote a good majority of my songs while I was a teenager, and I still can't believe how easy it was then. I've been struggling with a block since about 2004, and I've only written two songs since then, but the most recent was Feb 2008. I think I'm finally pushing through it. A lot of help comes from Threesy, he helps by making my music fuller, and I help him out (when I have the energy) by doing vocals for his music. Give him a click, he's is a fantastic artist. (one 2 iii)
At this point I plan on recording my songs, fixing them up and generally just giving them the attention they deserve from me. Each song has become a part of me and I love them all very much. Old songs need to be reworked and some need to be completely redone, but I plan on having a full Album (demo, if you want to call it) out by spring/summer, and I want to play atleast 5 shows during the summer as well, and continue .. depending on how well I do.Thanks for your support and feed back. You guys are obviously the reason I post these, otherwise I'd be happy to just play them for myself or my friends and family. You guys give me the courage to keep at it!
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