A person with a TRUE heart. I'am not pefect, and I don't expect perfection from my significant other.....i guess that what makes it more exciting (^_^). Someone who believes in the love of family, and the love of God.Take the quiz:
Which Mean Girls Character Are you? (girlz)
Regina George
Your the hottest girl in school.
What Angel Are You?
Light Angel
You are a Light angel.A real party person.Bright colours, bright hairstyles, eyecatching clothes, the lot.You simply wouldn't be able to live if somone didn't notice you, your not vain, just love attentions.You tend to feel chained down, since you make the rest of us work, without light Humans couldn't see the rest of us.You feel a close kinship with fire, and fire also gives out a little bit of light, you two work together and get on great.you have little if no temper, and love bright colours.As long as it's eyecatching, it's fine with you!
Take The Quiz Now!