WARCRAFT III The Frozen Throne (Max will tell you Undead Scourge bend over backwards to Night Elf Archers, but that just ain't true.) -Warhammer 40k Tower Defense -Tree Tag -The Red Legion. Music (cliche as fuck, but I really do like it). Cinema, particularly good cinema. I hate teeny-bopper crap , and I'm into the real stuff.
I know I'm a corporate whore for this... Don't get credit cards, just enjoy the commercial.
A wide range, anything good. Crust and Dub
I hate teenybopper crap. The greatest cinema ever comes out of Japan (just ask Quentin Tarantino); and no, not that anime shit. I'm talking nitty gritty, fucking SAMURAI. Zatoichi Series (..3 is my favorite); Lady Snowblood; Red Sun; Seven Samurai; Throne of Blood; Yojimbo; Ran; Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto; Samurai II: Duel at Ichijoji Island; Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island (NOTE: I hated Lone Wolf and Cub). Other movies that totally kick ass are: Enter the Dragon; Alien; Aliens (my favorite movie of all time); Predator; Terminator; Terminator 2; Conan the Barbarian; Godfather 1&2 (haven't seen the third); Goodfellas; Once Upon a Time in America; Road to Perdition; Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels; Miller's Crossing; Raising Arizona; Taxi Driver (fuck you Justin). Office Space is probably the funniest movie of all time, Spinal Tap is probably the most hard rocking.
Law and fucking Order. Only the original. Not SVU. Not Criminal Intent. Not any of that CSI bullshit. The original, with that wise-cracking Lenny (RIP). I watch a lot of Cartoons and Kiddie shows. Ask me about any Disney show on. I used to LOOOOOVE Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but the new series sucks, what the fuck happened to that franchise? It went fucking ADHD. Dig this, Aqua Teen Hunger force might be my favorite show. I also like (old)Simpsons, King of the Hill, Family Guy, and Futurama (my favorite of these) (NOTE: I hate fucking American Dad, that show fucking sucks). Also RONCO puts on quality television. On the issue of 'anime' or whatever, I've seen some TOTAL shit ones. But I've seen some good ones like: Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Hellsing, some of the Samurai ones are pretty good, but I don't follow them so I don't know the name. Note: these are just cartoons with bad voice overs, don't base your life around this shit please. (Unless you want to, then I suppose it's within your rights and I shouldn't tell you what to do.)
I haven't read for shits and giggles in a while. But, I like: Dune, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, A Brave New World, 1984, what I've read of Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas, The Martian Chronicles, Conan, War of the Worlds (how many of you knew it was a book first? I never saw the movie, the first one SUCKED).
Your mom. Does anyone even make it this far?