Illiterate Church |
The church in America does not believe what the Bible says... especially about themselves. If it were true, then this nation would be experiencing an outpouring of revival.The more I hear people talk... Posted by on Fri, 12 Jun 2009 00:35:00 GMT |
Testimonies |
We're called to remember the great deeds of the Lord. So over the past few weeks, here is a list of the "best of."Anyone who says that the Lord no longer heals, does miracles, or that spiritual gifts... Posted by on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 00:37:00 GMT |
To Walk in Power... |
I know I will normally want to talk about nothing but the power of God... healing, miracles, the prophetic, etc. I love talking about the power of God! It's all about remembering the good things the L... Posted by on Sat, 03 Jan 2009 21:26:00 GMT |
Talk is Cheap |
So many Christians can't seem to make their mind up about the election. So many Christians don't like talking about it. What do we like to talk about? Revival. The kingdom of G... Posted by on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 17:36:00 GMT |
Update...Music...Vision...Politics... |
So an update on what's going on...for those that care! ...(thanks, by the way!)First, I'm recording a solo acoustic project. The title of the album is "Ethereal." It's ambient acoustic music and shou... Posted by on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 22:49:00 GMT |
Seeking |
Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness and these things will be added unto you."Things...I know that, personally, the "things" have been my motivation for seeking ... Posted by on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 18:15:00 GMT |
My Experiment...Mate. |
This summer I am working for Appalachian State as an orientation leader. All the freshmen and transfer students have a great transition from where they previously were because we're the bridge.T... Posted by on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 11:33:00 GMT |
Sidestepping |
Is it religious to bring correction? It depends...To a degree, it can be. That's the last thing we want...more religion. People often confuse religion with order. There needs to be order in the ch... Posted by on Mon, 12 May 2008 00:00:00 GMT |
The Character of God pt 2 |
We tend to think that Christ is just a character in the Bible. Borderline fictional. History tells us He wasn’t. He lived, He died, He lived again and from what I’ve expe... Posted by on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 00:37:00 GMT |
The Character of God...part 1 |
Angry, white-bearded, lightening bolt throwing, shotgun wadding, scowling, upturned eyebrows, and better catch-phrases spoken before you die than Clint Eastwood. As assonine as that sounds, peop... Posted by on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 12:28:00 GMT |